'No?' His dark brows met in a frown and she gave a small shrug.

'I take it that means you don't want to kiss me again. It was just a one-off thing. That's fine, no problem.' Well, big problem actually. She fumbled with the door handle and slid out of the car, clutching her bag and coat. 'In which case, I'll say good night. Thank you for the lift.'

She walked unsteadily to her cabin, wondering what the kiss had meant to him.

For one, all too brief moment, he'd lost control.

And she knew that he'd wanted her just as much as she wanted him.

But now he was firmly back in control of his emotions again.

What did it take to make Ben let go?


THE atmosphere in A and E was tense the next day.

They were phenomenally busy, short-staffed and tired from working long hours with no breaks.

Will was plainly in a sulk and Ben was silent and moody.

It was a relief to Ellie when Lindsay popped in during the lunch-break to show them the baby.

'She slept for five hours last night without waking up,' Lindsay announced proudly, smiling as they all crowded round to peep at the baby.

'I'm not coming too close in case it's catching,' Sean drawled, winking at Lindsay to take the sting out of his words. 'She's great, Lindsay. Congratulations.'

Ellie took the baby and gave her a cuddle, noticing the sudden tension in Ben's face.

Didn't he like babies?

She handed Storm back to Lindsay, remembering the night he'd delivered the baby. Technically it had been impossible to fault him, but emotionally... She frowned slightly as she cast her mind back to that night. Emotionally he'd kept himself completely detached.

She chatted casually to Lindsay, noticing that Ben stayed only long enough to offer a polite, if reserved greeting.

Did she dare ask him about it?


He'd made it clear enough that he had no intention of opening up to anyone.

Just before the end of Ellie's shift Ambulance Control rang to warn them that they were bringing in a mother and baby who'd been injured in a car accident.

Sean glanced at Ben, his eyes suddenly wary, 'Perhaps I'd better take this one.'

'No.' Ben's mouth tightened into a grim line. 'I'll take it.'


'I'll take it.'

Ben's words were clipped and Ellie glanced between the two men, puzzled. Why were they arguing over who was going to deal with the accident?

Without waiting for further discussion, Ben turned on his heel and strode towards Resus, leaving Ellie and Sean staring after him.

'Damn. I handled that badly.' For once there was no smile on Sean's face. 'Ellie, I want you to watch him for me.'

'I don't understand.' She frowned. 'Why do I need to watch him? He's the best doctor I've ever worked with. What do you think is going to happen?'