Ellie was in the bathroom, putting the finishing touches to her make-up, when she heard the tap on the door.

'Come in,' she called cheerily. 'Door's open.'

She heard a firm male tread on the carpet and then Ben's voice calling her name angrily.

She flinched.

Oops. Now what?

She took a last glance at her reflection and walked out of the bathroom, bracing herself for a telling-off.

'Don't you ever lock your door?' He was standing in the hallway, broad-shouldered and menacing, his eyes glittering with anger. 'For crying out loud, Ellie, anyone could walk in here!!'

She opened her mouth and closed it again, not sure what to say. 'Er... "Hello Ellie, you look nice,"' she muttered under her breath, and his jaw tightened.

'I don't care how you look,' he growled. 'I just care that you seem to have no sense of self-preservation whatsoever. '

He didn't care how she looked?

Oh, great.

She gave a wry smile and wrestled with her disappointment. So what was the point of spending the extra time getting ready? All he cared about was whether she locked her door.

'I never lock my door,' she told him, picking up her coat and her bag and blowing Max a kiss. 'For one thing, this is a quiet, civilised area, and for another I live with a big hairy German shepherd who has a tendency to frighten the life out of people.'

He ran a hand over his face and let out a slow breath. 'Ellie, please, promise me that from now on you'll lock your door.'

Why did it bother him so much?

'All right, I'll lock the door. If I remember.' She paused and frowned at him. 'You're very tense. Are you hungry?'

His jaw clenched. 'Ellie, don't start!'

'Maybe a small bacon sandwich?'

He gave a reluctant laugh. 'Has anyone ever told you that you're incorrigible?'

She nodded! 'You. On several occasions. Now, if you're not going to waste time complimenting me on my appearance, and you don't want a sandwich, shall we go?'

He was silent for

a moment, his eyes travelling slowly over every inch of her body.

By the time his gaze returned to her eyes her face was flushed and her pulse rate was galloping like a herd of wild horses.

'You look beautiful,' he said finally, and her smile widened.

'Good. I made a special effort.' She walked past him to the door and picked up her keys from the hall table. 'Any time you want to kiss me, feel free.'

'Ellie!' His low growl was a warning but she ignored it and gave him a cheeky grin.

'I just don't want you to worry about my make-up. It's all easily replaceable.'

He gritted his teeth. 'I will not be kissing you.'

'Shame.' She stood to one side to let him pass and locked the door behind them. 'In that case, it's going to be a long evening.'

It was a long evening.