Ellie bit her lip. 'He's been in Pakistan for two whole years. Don't you think that's odd?'

'Not particularly. He's a climber.'

Ellie frowned, 'True. But he's also a doctor, and a real hotshot according to Sean.' She helped herself to a chocolate and chewed slowly. 'Why would someone like that take themselves off to Pakistan for such a long time? Trust me, Lindsay, there's something wrong.'

'Well, just remember that not everyone likes to talk about their problems.'

'It's not healthy to bottle things up,' Ellie said firmly, and Lindsay sighed.

'Ellie, just seduce the man. That way, if he has got problems, at least you'll take his mind off them.'

Seduce him?

Ellie stared at her. 'But I've never seduced anyone in my life before.'

'I know.' Lindsay's tone was dry. 'That's why I suggested it. He's gorgeous, Ellie. Go for it.'

'He thinks I talk too much.'

'He's right. Next time you feel like talking, kiss him instead and see what happens.'

'I know what would happen. He'd give me one of his disapproving stares. Lin, I don't think he likes me!'

'He likes you.' Lindsay smiled placidly. 'Why else would he care whether you get swept away down river or abducted by a stranger? He likes you. Now you just need to persuade him to kiss you.'

'I'm really not sure I want him to kiss me.'

She had a feeling she might never recover.

Lindsay stared at her. 'Please, tell me you're joking. Ben MacAllister is a seriously sexy, tough, macho guy and you don't want to kiss him? Are you ill? You kiss everyone.'

Ellie blushed. 'Well, yes, but not like that.'

Even thinking about being kissed by Ben MacAllister made her feel strange. Sort of hot and panicky inside. Which was utterly ridiculous, she told herself briskly, because she'd been kissed plenty of times before. But only ever by men—boys really—her own age.

She knew instinctively that Ben was different. There was nothing boyish about Ben. He was one hundred per cent fully grown male, tough and self-confident.

Kissing him wouldn't be a harmless, childish ex


She knew instinctively that if Ben kissed a woman, it would be leading somewhere else.

'All right, everyone, we're bursting at the seams as usual so let's get started.' Sean looked at the whiteboard, his mouth grim as he looked at the number of patients. 'There was a nasty RTA on the motorway an hour ago, so Resus is full. Will, you go and see if they need any help. Ben, I need you to stay out here. If any more emergencies come in, they'll have to be dealt with in the corridor or the trolley bay. We've got two waiting for admission to the orthopaedic ward and I'm going to ring them to hurry them along. Nicky, what about nursing staff?'

'I've still got Laura and Polly in Resus with the RTA, so maybe Ellie should stay out here with Ben and you can put any emergencies in the trolley bay until we've cleared Resus,' the A and E sister said promptly. 'Chessie, you're in the treatment room, Alice in Theatre and the others can float.'

'OK, let's see if we can clear some space in this department,' Sean said briskly, 'and in the meantime let's hope we have a few hours peace and quiet.'

They didn't.

As Sean strode down the corridor to sort out the transfer of patients, the ambulance hotline rang and Ellie, dressed in blue theatre scrubs, her dark hair secured neatly in a ponytail, picked it up immediately.

She listened while ambulance control outlined the details of the patients they were bringing in, scribbling notes on her pad. Then she hung up and looked at Ben.

'Mother and son, complaining of headache and vomiting. No more details than that unfortunately.'

Ben lifted an eyebrow. 'ETA?'