Once she was satisfied that she'd prepared the room as best she could, she left Resus and went in search of a doctor.

She found Sean Nicholson in his office on the telephone, arguing with a junior doctor about beds.

'I can't keep her overnight in my department' Sean caught sight of Ellie and rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to the phone. 'Yes, I understand you're full, so transfer someone or phone your consultant' His mouth tightened as he listened to the response. 'Well, get him out of bed!'

He replaced the phone, not bothering to hide his irritation. 'Why do other consultants get to sleep at night while I'm here, slaving away?'

'Because you love it,' she reminded him with a smile, and he shook his head ruefully and then looked at her quizzically.

'What are you doing here anyway? I thought you were staying with your cousin?'

'I was, but she's fine and her husband is here now so I'm redundant.' Ellie's smile faded. 'Mountain Rescue just called. A woman has been lost on the fells for two days so at the very least she must be hypothermic. I need a doctor in Resus.'

'A doctor? What's that?' Sean's tone was short and bitter. 'They're an endangered species around here.' His gaze flickered to the sofa in the corner of his office and for the first time Ellie realised that someone else was in the room.

'MacAllister?' Sean's voice was weary. 'I know you've already delivered a baby tonight and yo

u're not officially starting for another two days, but this is right up your street and I'm pushed for staff. I don't suppose you can be persuaded to help out?'

There was a long silence and then Ben MacAllister rose to his feet 'I thought you were afraid I'd frighten the patients,' he drawled, and Sean shrugged, clearly harassed.

"This one's unconscious so she'll never know you look dark and dangerous. And, anyway, it's the middle of the night. The one tiling you can be sure of in this hospital is that no one from the management team will be around after six o'clock in the evening.' He didn't bother to disguise the bitterness in his tone. 'Just promise me you'll shave before you start work officially or the powers that be will think I've employed a savage. This is Ellie, by the way, one of our staff nurses, but I suppose you know that as you delivered her cousin's baby. Ellie, this is Ben. Don't judge by appearances-—he's a fantastic doctor.'

'I never judge by appearances.' Ellie was staring at Ben. 'You're working here?'

'Well, what sort of a welcome is that?' Sean was looking at her with astonishment 'This is Dr MacAllister and he's working as a locum consultant for six months. Knowing how desperate we are for staff, you should be on your knees, kissing his feet.'

Ellie grinned. She was used to Sean's endless banter and it made her laugh. Everyone in A and E was the same. It was the liveliest place she'd ever worked and the teamwork was amazing, mostly because Sean Nicholson was such a great boss.

'I've already kissed him once tonight' she said lightly, 'and he looked distinctly shocked, so the next time there's any kissing, it's got to come from him. I'll be in Resus when you're ready.'

With that she turned on her heel and left the room, aware that they were both staring after her.


'SHE kissed you?' Sean grinned at his friend and folded his arms across his chest. 'In that case I'd say you've got some serious explaining to do.'

Ben shook his head and a ghost of a smile touched his firm mouth. 'That girl is unbelievable.' He briefly described the events of the evening leading up to arriving at Lindsay's, and Sean threw back his head and laughed.

'She drove through the ford?' His eyes gleamed with admiration. 'Good old Ellie! That requires some nerve in a car like hers.'

'Nerve?' Ben gave a disapproving frown. 'You're as bad as she is! It's not funny, Sean. She could have been swept away. And she's so damn trusting.' He broke off and Sean looked at him keenly.


Ben breathed out heavily and raked his fingers through his dark hair. He had a very clear memory of the way her damp shirt had clung to the contours of her body.

'She thumbed a lift, climbed into the car with me and then treated me as though she'd known me all her life. And, yes, she kissed me goodbye.'

'So?' Sean looked amused rather than shocked. 'That's just Ellie. She's warm, loving and very tactile.'

'She's reckless.'

'She's very young,' Sean pointed out in an indulgent tone and Ben was suddenly very still, his eyes slightly narrowed.

Too young.

'I've never met anyone so oblivious to risk.'