Stefano smiled and took her face in his hands. ‘Liv, I’ve always known what your feelings for me are, tesoro. Fortunately for me, you aren’t experienced enough to hide them. I can even describe the moment when you first realised that you loved me.’

Her eyes widened. ‘You can?’

‘Of course. It was when you woke up in my bed the morning after the ball.’

‘Oh.’ Liv gave a shocked laugh. ‘How can you be so confident about everything?’

‘Because, unlike you, no one has ever dented my self-esteem.’ Bending his head, he kissed her gently, his mouth lingering against hers. ‘I love the fact that you can’t hide your feelings. I also love your kindness, your honesty, your total selflessness, your amazing confidence and skill at work, your sense of humour, your incredibly sexy body—’

‘Stop!’ Laughing, Liv shook her head and pulled away slightly. ‘That’s not me you’re describing. I’m not used to so many compliments.’

‘Then get used to it because there is no end of compliments coming your way, tesoro.’ Gently, Stefano stroked her flushed cheek with the backs of his fingers then he lifted the ring out of the velvet case. ‘Stop worrying about the money and enjoy it. Given that my life is about to become your life, it would be a little complicated if you didn’t like the money.’

He really wanted to marry her?

It was too much to absorb. ‘I can’t believe this is happening.’ Liv stared at the beautiful ring in his hand. Her heart was pounding, her legs were shaking and she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. ‘I’ve shut myself away for so long. That first night when you took me to that Italian restaurant, I just wanted to shrink into the woodwork.’

‘I had a good time, but you had absolutely no confidence.’

‘It had been ages since I’d been out with a man and I had no idea what to say. I was worried that you were terribly bored.’

‘You have never bored me,’ Stefano breathed, ‘and I couldn’t believe that you hadn’t been with a man for so long.’

‘I just wasn’t interested,’ she admitted, checking that Max was still patting the horses. ‘I suppose I was terrified of rejection. Anna despaired of me, but I honestly couldn’t imagine wanting to have sex ever again. Then I met you and sex with you was so amazing that suddenly I couldn’t imagine living without it. You’ve turned me into a sex maniac.’

With a husky laugh, Stefano took her hand in his and slid the ring onto her finger. ‘Then the sooner we are married, the better. I am willing to sacrifice myself by marrying a sex maniac,’ he said dryly, ‘just as long as there is no confusion as to whose woman you are.’

Liv stared down at the diamond that sparkled on her finger. ‘It’s stunning.’

‘It tells the world that you are mine.’ Stefano gave a satisfied smile and Liv tore her eyes away from the ring, a lump building in her throat as she looked up at him.

‘What can I ever give you in return?’

‘Love, tesoro.’ His hands strong and confident, he drew her against him. ‘You’re giving me love, and that’s a gift beyond price.’

‘Yuck!’ Max scrambled up beside them. ‘Did she say no or something?’

Still sniffing, Liv pulled out of Stefano’s arms. ‘I said yes, Max.’

‘So why are you crying?’

‘Because I’m happy.’

Max stared at her bemused and then exchanged a look with Stefano, man to man. ‘She cries when she’s sad and she cries when she’s happy. Girls are so confusing, aren’t they?’

‘Very confusing.’ With a smile, Stefano released Liv and lifted the child onto his lap. ‘How would you fancy coming to live with me, Max?’

‘For ever?’

‘Yes, for ever.’

Liv couldn’t help it. The tears were pouring down her face and she turned her head and buried her face in Stefano’s sleeve, feeling like a complete idiot and so deliriously happy that she wanted to dance with joy.

Max was concentrating on the important issues. ‘Will we live in your apartment?’

‘To start with. But then I thought we might look around for a nice big house. We need a garden so that we can have a goal.’

‘My own goal?’ Max bounced on his lap and Stefano winced.