Liv noticed that one of them—was her name Donatella?—kept casting shy, dreamy looks in Stefano’s direction but he didn’t seem to notice because he was occupied in an argument with his father which seemed to be about whether or not they should buy an ailing local company.

‘No business at the tabl

e,’ Isabella said sharply, putting plates laden with food in front of them, ‘this is Christmas. We don’t talk business at Christmas.’

The meal was spectacular and Liv was fascinated by the interaction between everyone at the table. It felt good to be part of a large noisy group. And it was good for Max.

He was seated between Stefano’s twin nephews and was happily occupied improving their English.

‘We have Father Christmas,’ he said solemnly. ‘What do you have?’

‘Babo Natale,’ one of the boys said. ‘And La Befana, she brings us presents in January.’

Suddenly horrified, Max looked at Liv. ‘How will Father Christmas know I’m here? What if he takes my presents to our old flat?’

Visibly moved, Isabella put her hand on her heart, murmured something in Italian and then shot out of her seat and hugged Max tightly. ‘He will know you are here,’ she said firmly. ‘We will hang up a sock, yes? And write him a note—in English and Italian just to be sure. Why don’t you go and play now? My boys will show you their toys.’ Isabella stood up, waved the children away from the table and then glanced at the fire. ‘We need another log and that’s man’s work.’ She looked pointedly at her brother and he gave a faint smile and rose to his feet.

‘I’ll go then, shall I?.’ He held out a hand to Liv. ‘Come with me. I’ll show you the rest of the chalet.’

Liv followed him down two flights of stairs to a basement and then out into the crisp night air. ‘I love the smell of woodsmoke. And I love your family. You’re very lucky.’

‘I thought you might be feeling completely overwhelmed.’ He hauled her into his arms and curved his hands over her bottom. ‘They are noisy and interfering.’

‘I think they’re lovely. And they love you.’ It was exciting, being on her own with him, even if only for a moment. The air was electric and she knew from the glitter in his eyes that he was as aroused as she was. Trying to keep herself in check, she chose a neutral subject. ‘Donatella is sweet. She adores you, that’s obvious.’

He stilled. ‘She’s very young,’ he said carefully. ‘And I’m hoping that she will soon get the message.’

What message? Liv was about to question him further when he brought his mouth down on hers and kissed her hard.

Forgetting everything except the way he made her feel, she kissed him back, oblivious to the cold and the peal of church bells from the village below.

He cared, she thought to herself, her head swimming dizzily. Surely he cared?

* * *

Liv woke on Christmas Eve to bright blue skies. Fresh snow had fallen overnight and there was no longer any sign of their footprints of the night before. Branches sagged under the weight of the snow and the valley below them looked as though it had been covered by a thick layer of icing.

Hearing squeals from outside, Liv dressed quickly, relieved that she’d followed Stefano’s instructions and purchased some suitable clothes. At some point she was going to have to think about paying him back, but for now she was determined to enjoy the moment.

Pulling on her boots, she stepped outside and saw Max stretching up to put a hat on a large, fat snowman. Isabella and the twins were helping and snow flew through the air with predictable regularity, covering all three boys in soft white clumps.

‘Mum, come and see!’ Max stamped his boots in the snow and pressed two dark glossy pebbles into the snowman’s ‘face’. ‘Isn’t he amazing?’

‘We think he looks like Stefano,’ Isabella said cheerfully, winking at Liv. ‘He always looks grumpy in the mornings.’ Leaving the children to finish off the snowman, she wrapped her scarf more firmly round her throat and walked over to Liv. ‘Did you sleep?’

‘Oh yes.’ Liv pushed her hands into her pockets. ‘Better than ever before.’

‘I always sleep well in the mountains.’ Isabella breathed in the cold air and smiled. ‘Can I interest you in some serious shopping? Cortina is a shopaholic’s paradise, I can assure you.’

Liv shook her head. ‘I’d love to see the village but my budget won’t stretch to shopping.’

‘Stefano will pay,’ Isabella said dismissively, knocking snow from the toe of her soft leather boot. ‘It’s the least he can do given that you’ve come all this way just to solve his problems.’

Liv looked at her. ‘His problems?’

‘You must have noticed Donatella.’ Isabella rolled her eyes. ‘I mean, she can’t take her eyes off him. I warned Stefano three weeks ago that she is as much in love with him as ever. To be honest, I even wondered whether he might not come this year, because he hates being cornered by women, but Stefano always finds a solution to everything. Clearly, he decided that bringing you would solve everyone’s problems.’

‘Really?’ Liv’s mouth was dry.