Greg cleared his throat. ‘Do you want to do a lateral chest X-ray?’

‘In this case it’s not necessary and potentially hazardous.’ Stefano straightened and looked at Liv. ‘I want a 16-gauge cannula ready.’

‘I already have it.’ As always, her mind had been working along the same lines as his. She knew that he was afraid that the child’s airway might become completely obstructed and he wanted to ensure that everything was within reach so that he could create an airway with the needle if he had to.


‘I have that ready, too, but I thought you might like to wait until the anaesthetist has assessed him.’

Stefano gave a faint smile and was about to comment when the anaesthetist walked into the room along with the ENT consultant.

It was another hour before the child was stabilised and transferred out of the emergency department.

‘Greg.’ Stefano’s tone was cool and businesslike. ‘You need to talk to the mother about contacts and arrange treatment. You did well. A case of epiglottitis is extremely rare, but still you considered it and managed the case accordingly. You didn’t sit the child up, you didn’t examine the throat and you called for help early. I’m impressed.’

Greg’s gaze flickered to Liv and she looked at him, waiting for him to tell the truth. But the doctor simply smiled.

‘Thanks. Good teamwork, Liv. I’ll go and talk to the mother about antibiotic cover.’

He left the room and Liv turned away, struggling with an unpleasant ethical dilemma. If she hadn’t acted, Greg’s actions could have put the patient in danger. She had to say something but it felt like a very uncomfortable thing to do.

‘So…’ Stefano’s accented drawl came from directly behind her. ‘Having just established that Greg Hampton is a coward who is afraid to take responsibility for his own actions, I’m relying on you to have the courage to tell me the truth about what just happened in here.’

Liv turned slowly. ‘You knew?’

‘Did you really think that I wouldn’t sense that something was going on? You were panicking when I walked into the room,’ he said softly, his dark eyes fixed on her face, ‘and I’ve never seen you panic before. And Greg kept looking at you as if he was afraid you might say something you shouldn’t. So, I’ll ask you the question once again. What happened here?’

Liv took a deep breath. ‘Dr Hampton and I had a slight difference of opinion over the correct management of the patient.’

‘Who rang the anaesthetist?’ Stefano studied her face for a moment and then his mouth tightened. ‘You, obviously.’

Feeling slightly shaky, Liv took a deep breath. ‘I went over his head. I shouldn’t have done it, I know, but—’

‘You were absolutely right to do it.’ Stefano’s tone was cool and unemotional. ‘In this department we put patient welfare before staff egos. That child could have died.’

‘You think I did the right thing?’

‘You know you did.’

‘I suppose I do, but that doesn’t stop me feeling very bad about it,’ she confessed. ‘I’ve never had an incident like that in five years of working here. Normally doctors are happy to work as a team and exchange ideas, but Dr Hampton never—’

‘He never listens. And he thinks he’s always right. I’ll deal with it. It’s no longer your problem.’ He looked at her thoughtfully and then frowned slightly. ‘You’re shaking. Is that because of the medical emergency?’

‘No.’ Exasperated with herself, she gave a shrug. ‘It’s because I hate confrontation. Pathetic, isn’t it?’

‘It isn’t pathetic. It’s what makes you who you are.’ His sexy mouth curved slightly. ‘You’re gentle and caring and I really love that. Forget Dr Hampton. I will deal with him.’

Now that the crisis was over she was suddenly very aware of him and it was a struggle to keep her eyes averted from the hint of bronzed male skin visible at the neck of the scrub suit.

Having not thought about sex for years, suddenly she was thinking about nothing else.

Stefano’s gaze lingered on her flushed cheeks and then his hand closed around her wrist and he hauled her against him.

‘If I don’t kiss you, I’m going to explode,’ he breathed and brought his mouth down on hers in a hard, possessive kiss that sent hungry tremors through her body.

‘Stefano…’ She wrapped her arms round his neck and kissed him back, oblivious to everything except the shocking expertise of his kiss. It was hot, explosive and out of control and it was only the sound of voices outside the door that made them both break apart.

‘Accidenti.’ Stefano released her suddenly and raked his hands through his hair. ‘I have never before kissed a woman at work. That’s how desperate I am,’ he muttered and she found herself unable to breathe.