‘He’s wonderful,’ Liv said simply. ‘I know he can be controlling sometimes, but to be honest I quite like that because I’m totally exhausted with having to make every decision by myself. I’ve discovered that sometimes it’s just wonderful to let someone take over. And he really cares about Max. He has nephews Max’s age and he really understands how they—’

‘Yes, yes, I know he’s good with kids, I’ve seen him in Resus,’ Anna said impatiently. ‘But what about the sex? Was he amazing?’

Amazing? No, he’d been more than just amazing. Liv’s legs trembled. ‘It would be totally wrong of me to talk about that.’

‘That good, hmm?’ Anna grinned. ‘And did he have stamina?’

Liv’s face turned scarlet. ‘Anna, for goodness’ sake…’

‘All right, now I’m starting to hate you.’ Anna’s laughter faded and she studied her friend. ‘And there was me, worrying that when it came to the crucial moment, you’d refuse to take your clothes off.’

‘I didn’t even think about it,’ Liv said honestly. ‘He made me feel—beautiful.’

‘That’s because you are beautiful. Believe me, the guy isn’t doing you a favour. He’s struck gold and he knows it. And I have to say, I’m loving the new you.’

‘I’m loving the new me, too.’ Liv glanced sideways to check that no one was listening and gave a secretive smile. ‘I feel alive. I adored the life I had with Max, but it was hard and I can’t pretend otherwise. I used to lie awake at night worrying about the boiler going and not being able to afford the repair, and now I’m awake at night because I’m thinking about—’ She broke off and Anna groaned.

‘All right, enough or I’ll have to punch you. So what happens now? You carry on having hot sex over Christmas?’

Liv turned and dropped the remains of the dressing pack into the bin. ‘No. Obviously we have Max to think of.’

Anna gaped at her. ‘So you haven’t done it since…’ She waved a hand. ‘You’re kidding.’

‘No.’ Liv rubbed her fingers over her forehead. ‘It’s not just about the two of us, Anna. Max has just had a huge amount of change in his life. I’m worried it will upset him.’

‘He loves Stefano. He talks about him all the time.’

‘I know he loves him, but that still doesn’t mean I want him to see Stefano and I in bed together. It just doesn’t feel right.’

‘So now I know why Stefano’s fuse is even shorter than usual,’ Anna said dryly. ‘What does he say about the situation?’

‘We haven’t talked about the future, if that’s what you mean.’ Liv walked across to the sink and washed her hands. ‘I don’t know what’s going to happen. But the flat won’t be habitable for a couple of months at least because there was some structural damage.’

‘Well the two of you aren’t going to be able to keep your hands off each other for that long. You’re crazy about him, aren’t you?’

Liv didn’t even bother denying it. ‘I don’t think I’m one of those women who can just have a night of hot sex and move on. For me it’s—’ She swallowed. ‘It’s emotional.’

‘So basically you love him.’

Liv looked away, shocked by how those words sounded and felt. ‘Don’t be ridiculous,’ she said hoarsely. ‘I’ve only known him for a few weeks.’

‘Time is irrelevant as we both know. Does he feel the same way?’

Liv stared at the poster on the wall without seeing it. ‘I think he cares about me.’

The sound of an ambulance siren disturbed their conversation and Liv glanced behind her. ‘Are we expecting someone?’

‘Child with a temperature. Greg is going to see him to begin with but I’ve asked Stefano to check on things when he’s free. He’s been keeping a close eye on Greg, as you know. In the meantime you’d better get in there and do your stuff. A few weeks under the boss’s eye has improved Greg’s performance, but he’s still far too reluctant to ask for help.’

‘I’ll go. I need distraction.’ Liv washed her hands and glanced at her friend with a soft smile. ‘All I seem to think about now is sex and it’s all your fault.’

‘I know. I’m so pleased with myself. I’m going to give up my job and run a dating agency.’

Laughing, Liv walked out of the room and hurried towards Resus. She was still smiling when she opened the swing doors but the smile faded the instant she saw the little boy seated on his mother’s lap. He was ominously quiet and was leaning with his chin slightly forward, as if he was sniffing something.

Liv’s instincts screamed a warning and she turned to Greg, ready to voice her concerns.

‘Dr Hampton, I think we should—’