Which meant that she was heading for disaster, because this was a man who had confessed himself unable to find that one special woman.


‘I NEED you to look straight ahead,’ Liv said gently, her hands holding the child’s as she coaxed the little boy to do as she wanted. ‘Mr Lucarelli is going to look in your eyes. Good boy.’

‘That light thing feels funny.’

‘Don’t think about the light thing. Think about me, instead. Tell me what you’re hoping to have for Christmas.’ She kept the conversation going, hoping that she looked and sounded normal. She certainly didn’t feel normal. Everything about her had changed. Her view of life, her view of herself, her view of her body…

‘A skateboard.’

‘Wow!’ Liv let go of one of his hands so that she could hand Stefano the equipment he needed. She was careful not to look at him. If she looked at him then she thought of sex and if she started thinking about sex, then she wouldn’t be able to concentrate. She was desperate to ask him what was going to happen now, but at the same time she didn’t dare because she was so afraid of the answer. For him it had been a fling, she was sure of that. And there hadn’t even been an opportunity to continue the relationship because Max was now back in the apartment. ‘A skateboard? That is fantastic. Have you ever been on one before?’

‘Once. At my cousin’s house. I fell off and hurt my arm.’

‘Better make sure you ask Father Christmas for some protective pads then, and a good helmet. Tilt your head for us slightly, good boy.’ Liv moved slightly so that Stefano could get a better view. Was he finding it as difficult as she was? No, apparently not. In public he was his usual cool, composed self, but in private…

She gave a tiny smile, thinking of the long conversations they’d shared after Max had fallen asleep, curled up together on his deep, comfortable sofa. Conversations designed to take their minds off the powerful attraction that drew them together. Liv didn’t feel comfortable making love while Max was in the apartment and she suspected that Stefano felt the same way because he hadn’t pushed the point. And he still wanted her, she knew he did. Maybe they could find an opportunity. Maybe she could talk to Anna—

‘Drops, Liv.’ Stefano’s tone was impatient and she gave a start and handed him the drops, allowing herself a slight smile. Even their special relationship didn’t allow her any concessions when it came to efficiency.

‘Do you want him to have an eye patch?’ She forced her mind back to the job and smiled at the little boy. ‘I hope Father Christmas brings you everything you want.’

‘That’s fine. I’m done. No eye patch,

but I want him to have chloramphenicol.’ Stefano stepped away from the little boy and ripped off his gloves. ‘Well done, Nick. You were very brave. There’s a little scratch in your eye but we’ll give you some ointment to help.’

His mother stood up. ‘He needs a prescription?’

Stefano talked to her about the care Nick was going to need and then strolled out of the cubicle.

Counting the hours until they could go home, Liv sorted out the eye ointment, gave them an advice sheet to take home and then went back to tidy the cubicle.

Moments later, Anna slid into the room. ‘All right, I’ve had enough of this. I want to know everything.’

‘Everything about what?’

‘Liv, I’ve waited four days for you to tell me what happened on the night of the ball, but you’ve been avoiding me. I gave up my ticket so that you could go. The least you can do is tell me whether my sacrifice was worth it. Judging from the smile on your face, I’m guessing that it was.’

‘I had a nice time, yes. I’ve already told you that. The food was great…’ even though she hadn’t eaten any ‘…and the band was fantastic.’

‘I’m not remotely interested in the band or the food. I want to know about Stefano.’

Just the sound of his name sent a tiny thrill through her body. ‘I had a lovely time.’

‘Lovely time?’ Anna gritted her teeth. ‘You spent the night with the sexiest man on the planet and all you can say is that you had a lovely time? How much of a lovely time?’

‘It was nice.’

‘Nice? What sort of feedback is that? I want details! Did you—you know…?’ Anna waggled her eyebrows suggestively. ‘Please tell me you did. I’m guessing that you did, because you’re suddenly smiling all the time.’

‘Anna!’ Liv blushed. ‘I am not answering that!’

‘So obviously you did.’ Anna rested her bottom on the table, a satisfied smile on her face. ‘Well? Were you a buttoned-up prude or a brazen hussy?’

‘Oh, definitely a brazen hussy,’ Liv said lightly, remembering the raw explosive passion they’d shared.

Anna sighed. ‘Thank goodness for that. Tell me about it.’