As he steered her towards their table, she was hyper-aware of him, her heart rate doubling with every glance he sent her, her skin tingling with anticipation as his arm brushed against hers.

Part of her wanted to be outrageous and suggest in his ear that they just go home, but another part of her was enjoying the glamour, the glitz and the sparkle of the Christmas ball. And the intoxicating, dizzying knowledge that Stefano Lucarelli wanted her.

She felt irresistible, and she wanted the feeling to last for ever.

It was hard to give any attention to the man seated on her other side because for her no one existed except for Stefano and just the thought of what was to come made her stomach perform acrobatics.

The waiters removed her first course untouched and then served her main course.

‘I thought working mothers need carbohydrates.’ Lifting his glass to his lips, Stefano glanced at her untouched plate. ‘What has happened to your appetite? You’re not hungry, tesoro?’

‘No.’ Her stomach performed another flip. ‘Not really.’

He rose to his feet and held out his hand. ‘Then let’s dance.’

Liv wasn’t sure that her legs would hold her but she let him lead her onto the dance floor.

He curved her against him in a decisive, possessive gesture that made her heart skip. Brought into close contact with his lean, hard body, she felt an unfamiliar flash of heat explode inside her. Her hands slid upwards to his powerful shoulders and then locked around his neck.

The music had tempted quite a few couples onto the dance floor, but Liv was oblivious to everyone except Stefano and she had a feeling that that was exactly the way he wanted it.

The anticipation of what was to come was almost suffocating. Warmth spread through her pelvis, turning her limbs to liquid and Liv gave a little shiver and slid her hands through the hair at the back of his neck.

The tension levels between them had reached the point of explosion and when a shower of tiny silver stars drifted onto the dance floor drawing gasps of delight from all around them, Stefano finally

eased her away from him and stared down at her.

‘Time to go home, I think,’ he breathed softly and guided her back to the table. They collected her bag and her wrap and left the ballroom to find the limousine waiting.

Liv slid into the warmth of the luxurious interior, but it was impossible to relax. Instead of savouring every second of the experience, she found herself desperate to arrive at his apartment and she suspected he was experiencing a similar degree of urgency because he suddenly lifted a hand, undid his tie and loosened his top button.

His eyes met hers for a brief, electrifying moment and she felt that look right through her body.

Why was she feeling this way?

Was it just because she hadn’t had sex for such a very long time?

Or was it something more?

She didn’t know. All she knew was that being with him felt right. Slightly scary, but right.

Outside, the streets of London were eerily empty, the snowfall muffling sounds and giving the city an ethereal quality that seemed to add to the tension of the moment. Shop windows shone and sparkled with festive decorations as the car purred silently through the wintry atmosphere and emerged in Knightsbridge.

Her high heels echoed on the marble floor of his apartment building, the sound reminding her of a dramatic drum roll announcing the grand finale of the evening. It was only as they walked into the lift and Stefano pressed the button for the top floor that reality hit her.

Suddenly consumed by a violent attack of nerves, Liv tried to extract her hand from Stefano’s, but his fingers held her firmly.

‘You are glamorous and beautiful and stop thinking otherwise.’

Wondering how he could read her so easily, she shot him an embarrassed glance. ‘Am I that transparent?’

‘Yes,’ he murmured, his eyes surprisingly gentle. ‘Unlike most women, you are refreshingly easy to understand.’

‘It’s the dress that’s glamorous and beautiful,’ she said in a strangled voice. ‘Underneath, I’m still me.’

‘I really hope so. I’m relying on that fact.’ Turning her to face him, Stefano slid his hands over the curve of her bottom and drew her against him. And then he brought his mouth down on hers.

He’d kissed her before, but this time felt different. The desire had been building between them all evening and this time there was no gentle promise or slow, sensual hint of more to come. This time his kiss was a declaration of intent, a skilled deliberate assault on her senses designed to trigger a similarly explosive response from her. There was a whisper of silk as he slid the silver dress up her thigh with a purposeful movement of his hand and then his mouth moved to her neck and lower still.