‘Really?’ Max glanced over his shoulder, as if checking that his imagination hadn’t been playing tricks. ‘What about the decorations?’

‘Those too.’

‘But what about the decorations you already have at home? Aren’t you going to use those?’

‘I don’t have any decorations at home.’

Max looked startled. ‘But what do you usually put on your tree?’

‘Nothing.’ Stefano handed his credit card to the assistant. ‘I don’t usually have a tree.’

‘You don’t have a tree?’ Max looked shocked. ‘Not even a small one?’


‘Why not?’

‘I don’t bother with a tree because I usually spend Christmas on my own.’

There was a long silence wh

ile Max digested that fact. ‘That’s terrible,’ he said in a hushed voice. ‘Mum told me that some people are on their own for Christmas and that’s just the worst thing.’ His expression sympathetic, he slid his arms round Stefano and gave him a hug. ‘Well, this year you won’t have to be lonely,’ he said solemnly, ‘because we’re going to keep you company. We can stay as long as you need us.’

Oblivious to the team of sales assistants who were casting him covetous glances as they busily collated the decorations for the tree, Stefano stood still, too stunned by the child’s warmth and generosity to answer immediately. Then he put his hand on the boy’s shoulder and squeezed gently. ‘Grazie,’ he said softly, ‘thank you.’ The child was like his mother. Always thinking about other people.

‘You’re welcome. Mum always makes Christmas amazing.’ Max’s eyes widened as the assistant wrapped the boxes of decorations. ‘I hope it isn’t costing too much,’ he whispered. ‘It can’t cost too much or Mum will just worry.’

‘Does she worry a lot?’

‘All the time. She thinks she’s hiding it but I just know.’ The child glanced up. ‘Girls don’t always say what they mean, do they?’

Stefano hid a smile. ‘No,’ he said wryly. ‘They certainly don’t.’

‘It’s weird really,’ Max said frankly. ‘I mean, if I’m worried about something I just say it straight out. Mum tries to hide it. Why does she do that?’

‘I expect she doesn’t want to worry you.’

‘But I always know when she’s worried because she has a different face. Her smile is bigger when she’s really worried, like she’s trying extra hard to hide the fact that she’s worried. And when it’s money that’s worrying her she makes lots of lists and does a lot of adding up. Just to check she doesn’t run out. But if something new comes along she has to cross something out.’

Stefano digested that information for a moment. ‘So what do you think she’d like for Christmas?’

‘Oh that’s easy.’ Max looked smug. ‘A hug.’

‘A hug?’

‘Yes.’ Max picked up a frosted bauble from the display and examined it closely. ‘Whenever you ask Mum what she wants for Christmas, she always says “a really big hug”. Which is a bit weird, to be honest. I mean, I love anything with a remote control, but she’s just happy with cuddles. Girls are pretty easy to please, aren’t they?’

Never having encountered a girl who was easy to please, Stefano gave a sardonic smile. ‘Your mother is easy to please.’

The assistant cleared her throat and returned his credit card. ‘Could you give me a delivery address, sir?’

‘We haven’t finished shopping yet.’ Making an instantaneous decision, Stefano took Max’s hand. ‘Come on. We need to replace some of the things you lost.’

Max hung back. ‘Where’s the money coming from? Did Mum sell her tickets to the ball or something?’

Tucking his credit card back into his wallet, Stefano looked at the child. ‘She had tickets to a ball? The hospital ball?’

‘Yes, she won them. But she doesn’t want them so she’s going to sell them to someone who can go. She can’t go because she’s not Cinderella.’