Because skimpy lacy numbers were designed for sex and seduction, not sleep.

She was about to make an excuse and vanish into her bedroom when Max emerged from the kitchen, trailing dough behind him.

‘Did the postman bring something, Mum?’

‘No.’ Suddenly confronted by an issue far more serious than her choice of nightwear, Liv cleared her throat and tried to work out how best to explain the presence of a strange man in their hallway without upsetting Max.

She never brought men home.

But she didn’t have to explain because Stefano took over. ‘I work with your mother.’ He dropped to his haunches and smiled at the child. ‘Is that pizza dough you’re wearing?’

Max grinned. ‘It sort of just sticks everywhere.’

Stefano nodded with understanding. ‘You could try using a little less water.’

Max considered that advice for a moment and then looked at Liv. ‘You’re adding too much water, Mum.’

Liv smiled weakly. ‘That’s probably where I’m going wrong.’ She watched nervously as her son gave Stefano the once over.

‘Are you staying for breakfast?’ He peered at the box, his face brightening. ‘What is that? Is it a present?’


But Stefano simply smiled and rose to his feet. ‘It is a present. An edible present.’ He handed the box to Liv. ‘I heard that your mother likes dessert.’

Max was jumping up and down, sending pizza dough flying everywhere. ‘She loves dessert but we don’t often have it because she says it makes her fat. Can I see? Is it chocolate?’

Liv held the box in front of her like armour. ‘I really need to get dressed,’ she began, but Max was tugging her towards the kitchen.

‘You look great, Mum,’ he said earnestly. ‘Why would you want to get changed? They’re my favourite pyjamas. They’re just so happy.’

Intercepting Stefano’s laughing gaze, Liv closed her eyes.


The sexiest man alive was standing in her tiny hallway and she was wearing ‘happy’ pyjamas.

Why was he doing this? Why was he here?

Didn’t he have anywhere better to be on a cold, sunny Saturday in December?

Max was giggling. ‘This is awesome. Mum won’t usually let me eat dessert unless I’ve finished my vegetables and I’ve never had dessert for breakfast before.’

They moved through to the tiny kitchen and Stefano instantly made himself at home, pulling out a chair and helping himself to a glass of orange juice.

Liv watched him out of the corner of her eye, wondering what he’d make of her tiny kitchen. But he didn’t appear interested in anything other than Max.

‘You need to cut the ribbon.’ Picking up a knife, he leaned forward and sliced through the ribbon. The box fell open to reveal a beautiful chocolate log, dusted with icing and decorated with a snowman.

Max sank onto his chair, speechless. ‘Wow. Have you seen it, Mum?’

‘I’ve seen it, sweetheart.’ And she didn’t even want to imagine how many calories would be in a single slice.

‘It’s amazing.’

‘I hope so.’ Stefano picked up the knife. ‘Would you like the piece from the end? There’s more chocolate on that piece.’ He sliced through the cake in a typically decisive fashion and Liv turned to put on the kettle, her mind working overtime.

Was he charming Max to get to her?