As he’d anticipated, Liv instantly shook her head. ‘I couldn’t possibly. Why? Why would you want to?’

He was asking himself the same question. He’d never before dated a colleague or a single mother.

Neither had he found himself thinking about sex at inconvenient moments during his working day. ‘I owe you dessert.’

Liv backed towards the door. ‘You don’t owe me anything.’

Unaccustomed to having to persuade a woman to join him for dinner, Stefano watched her for a moment, trying to read her mind. ‘Is it a babysitting issue?’

‘Yes.’ She said the word quickly and then breathed out and shook her head. ‘No, actually that’s not true. It isn’t just about the babysitting. It’s about me. And you. I mean, you found out everything there is to know about me last night. You’ve already listened to my entire life history and I’m sure it bored you to death. I don’t have anything else to say. I work, I spend time with my child. That’s it. I’m just not interesting. You already know all there is to know.’

He was stunned by the completely false impression she had of herself.

Why did she think she was boring?

Contemplating the soft curve of her mouth and the shyness in her expression, Stefano strolled across his office towards her. He watched as her eyes widened slightly.

‘Mr Lucarelli—Stefano…’

Without speaking, Stefano took her face in his hands, stared down into her startled green eyes for a few endless seconds and then brought his mouth down on hers. For a moment she didn’t move a muscle, and then she made a soft sound and her lips parted under his.

He kissed her slowly and confidently, taking his time, holding her head exactly as he wanted it as he skilfully seduced her mouth. Only when her fingers curled into the front of his shirt and he felt her relax against him did he slide an arm around her waist and pull her into his body.


She was exquisite.

Her hips were curved, her breasts full and the sudden explosion of raw lust that devoured him was so powerful that it took all his willpower to stop himself from slamming the door shut and just taking her on his desk.

Unsettled by the fierce intensity of his own response, Stefano dragged his mouth from hers and eased her away from him.

Liv swayed for a moment and then opened her eyes and looked at him. Her expression was so bemused that he suddenly wondered exactly how long it had been since anyone had kissed her properly.

‘There’s plenty that I don’t know about you, Liv,’ he said softly, dragging his thumb over the swollen softness of her mouth. ‘But I intend to find out.’


‘MUMMY, why are you staring out of the window and smiling?’

Liv turned at the sound of Max’s voice. ‘Oh…’ she cleared her throat and picked up her coffee-mug. It was Saturday morning and she’d been up since dawn. ‘I was just…thinking.’ About being kissed. It wasn’t the first time she’d been kissed, but it seemed that way. Unless her memory was defective, it had never felt like that.

Stefano Lucarelli kissed as well as he did everything else.

Max shook the contents of the cereal packet into his bowl and looked at her sympathetically. ‘Are you worrying that Father Christmas might not come? I know how he gets round the whole world in one night.’

‘You do?’ Why had he kissed her? She didn’t understand it, but it was impossible to erase the memory from her brain or her body. And he’d said that he wanted to know more about her. What had he meant by that?

‘Mum? Are you listening?’

‘I’m listening.’

‘It’s because he travels through different time zones,’ Max said seriously. ‘You know, he starts in Australia, then he moves on to…’ swinging his legs, he carried on detailing Father Christmas’s route while Liv tried desperately to stop t

hinking about Stefano.

With a huge effort, she brought herself back to reality. ‘OK. I’ll stop worrying about Father Christmas’s workload. So—plan for the day. Football in the park and then we’ll buy the Christmas tree. How does that sound?’

‘Brilliant.’ Max crunched his way through the cereal and drank his milk. ‘Pizza for tea?’