‘You’ve been very kind.’

The door opened and Anna put her head round the door. ‘Liv? Can Rachel take over in there so that you can help me out here? Everyone is obviously bored with Christmas shopping so they’ve decided to spend the afternoon with us instead.’

‘No problem.’ Liv carefully handed the baby back to Nick and smiled at him. ‘You can stay here for now. Once we have some news from ICU, you can go and see Michelle.’

She left the room and hurried after Anna but Stefano’s fingers curled around her wrist and stopped her.

‘Liv, wait.’

The touch of his hand turned her limbs to jelly and she took several deep breaths before turning to face him. This time she was not going to embarrass herself. ‘Thank you for last night,’ she said brightly, staring at a point in the middle of his chest. ‘Best spaghetti I’ve ever eaten. Oh—here’s the money I owe you.’ She dug twenty pounds out of her pocket, trying not to think what that bowl of spaghetti had done to her budget.

‘I don’t want your money, Liv.’ His voice was a deep, lazy drawl and the breath stuck in her throat because he was so cool and in control and she felt so, so awkward.

‘Please take it. Honestly. There’s no reason why you should pay for me.’ She risked a glance at him and then wished she hadn’t because he was the sort of man you just couldn’t look away from. He was impossibly, indecently handsome and his gaze held hers for a moment and then flickered to her mouth.

Liv stopped breathing and a slow, dangerous warmth spread through her body. For a wickedly delicious moment she thought he might actually be wondering what it would be like to kiss her.

And then she returned to reality.


His eyes narrowed. ‘What would be boring?’

Horrified, Liv stared at him. Had she really spoken her thoughts aloud? ‘Nothing. Take the money.’ She pushed it into his hand and started to back away. ‘I really have to go. Anna needs me, and—’

‘Liv, stop it.’ His eyes were amused. ‘Why are you so jumpy? Last night over dinner you managed to relax and be yourself. For the first time I actually had a glimpse of the real you.’

Liv almost groaned. ‘Yes, I know,’ she muttered, ‘and I’m really, really sorry about that. I suppose it’s because I don’t often find myself in adult company, apart from with the patients and they don’t count. I was a little carried away talking about my life. No wonder you only ordered one course.’

Surprise flickered in his eyes and he watched her for a moment, his expression thoughtful. ‘I ordered one course because most of the women I take out to dinner don’t eat anything,’ he said softly and she gave a resigned smile.

If she’d needed a reminder that she bore no resemblance to the type of woman he usually dated, she had it now. ‘Well, you only have to look at me to know that I’m not in that category—but then you weren’t really taking me out to dinner, were you? It was more a question of me gatecrashing and—’ she broke off and studied his face. ‘Why are you smiling?’

‘Because you fascinate me. In Resus you are always cool and in control. You are fast, bright and confident. And then we leave Resus and you are a nervous wreck. Why is that, I wonder?’

The way he was looking at her made her feel hot and shivery at the same time.

‘I…really ought to go, because…’ horribly out of her depth, she waved a hand vaguely. ‘I…just really ought to go.’ Why was he talking to her, anyway? Why was he bothering?

‘Give me your car keys.’

‘My—’ She frowned. ‘Why?’

‘Because someone from my garage is coming to pick up your car in ten minutes.’

Liv stared at him in astonishment. ‘Your garage? But they fix Ferraris.’

‘They’re skilled mechanics.’ Stefano inclined his head as the neurology consultant wandered past and muttered a greeting. ‘They can fix anything with an engine.’

‘I’m not sure that mine even falls into that category,’ Liv joked weakly, incredibly touched that he’d offered. Why? Why had he offered? ‘I couldn’t possibly say yes. Even if they could fix it, they’d charge a fortune. Garages take one look at me and rip me off.’

‘All the more reason to let me sort this one out. Garages don’t rip me off.’ His tone was pleasant but there was a hard glint in his eyes that made her smile.

‘I imagine they wouldn’t dare.’ Panic fluttered inside her when she thought about all the demands on her meagre salary. ‘I suppose I could use the Christmas-tree money.’ She murmured those words to herself and Stefano raised an eyebrow in question.

‘The Christmas-tree money?’

Trying to work out how to find a Christmas tree that didn’t cost anything, Liv felt her head start to throb. ‘Look, I hadn’t expected my car to die three weeks before Christmas, which obviously wasn’t very sensible planning on my part, but there you are. I basically can’t afford to get it fixed yet.’ What was the point in pretending? It was obvious from the state of her car that she wasn’t rolling in money. ‘But thanks for offering.’