‘Really?’ Her face brightened. ‘That must be a handful. I can’t imagine two.’

‘She has a nanny. My sister works in the family business.’

Liv studied him across the table, her green eyes reflecting the flickering candlelight. ‘And you disapprove of that?’

‘The children need her. And she doesn’t need to work.’

‘I presume you mean financially. But maybe she needs to work for other reasons.’

‘Let me ask you a question.’ He wondered how he could ever have thought she wasn’t beautiful. Her face had a pure, innocent quality but her mouth had been designed for seduction. ‘If you had all the money you needed, would you still work?’

‘I have no idea. I’ve never thought about it and I wouldn’t allow myself to because it isn’t an option for me. Happiness is being realistic, Stefano.’

Noticing that she was trying not to yawn, he caught the eye of the waiter. ‘Time to get you home.’

‘Sorry. It was a bit of an early start this morning.’ Her attention was on a different part of the restaurant and when he followed her gaze he saw that a table of women were all watching him and laughing. They were obviously enjoying a girls’ night out and one of them lifted her glass and sent a flirtatious look in his direction.

Stefano didn’t react, but Liv’s friendly, open chatter suddenly ceased and she returned to looking awkward and uncomfortable, her eyes on the view instead of him.

Why was she so self-conscious?

She’d retreated back into her shell and he knew that her reaction had something to do with the noisy group of women who were partying at the nearby table.

He was unable to retrieve the situation because the waiter arrived with the bill and stood hovering while Stefano produced his credit card.

‘Tell me how much my half is,’ Liv said huskily. ‘I’ll pay you back tomorrow. I’m so sorry I don’t have enough money with me now.’

Amused, he glanced at her. ‘When I buy a woman dinner, I don’t expect her to pay.’

‘Maybe not, but that’s when you’re on a date and this wasn’t a date. This was just two colleagues sharing food. I’ll pay you back tomorrow.’

The money was obviously an enormous issue for her and he wondered how, if she was really so short of cash, she was ever going to get her car fixed. ‘I don’t want you to pay me back. I was hungry and there’s nothing more grim than eating alone. You did me a favour.’

‘Hardly. I talked far too much about really boring subjects.’ Clearly in a hurry to leave, she rose to her feet and didn’t speak again until they reached the car. ‘Thank you, Stefano.’

‘Give me directions to your flat.’ He steered the conversation away from money. ‘Have you worked in the emergency department for long?’

‘The last few years. Before that I was on Paediatrics and sometimes when they’re short staffed I still go and help there. What about you? Where did you work last?’

‘In a trauma unit up in Scotland and before that Milan.’

‘Milan.’ She repeated the word with the same emphasis he’d used. ‘That sounds exotic.’

Stefano laughed. ‘If you think that, you have clearly never been to Milan.’

‘I’ve never been anywhere. Take a left at the lights. And then it’s straight on all the way to my flat. Just keep going. So what’s Milan like?’

‘It’s a wonderful city, but I wouldn’t describe it as exotic.’

‘Why did you choose to come to frozen England?’

‘I needed a change.’ And this was certainly a change, he thought grimly, scanning the streets. As she directed him, the area he was driving through grew more and more rundown. There was litter on the streets, graffiti on the walls and gangs of teenagers wearing hoodies lurked on street corners.

‘You were escaping from your interfering family?’

‘Something like that.’ His family and a clingy ex-girlfriend.

A police car raced past them, light flashing, horn blaring, and Stefano felt the tension in his shoulders mount. He wouldn’t want any of his family living in a place like this.