Christy froze. Were they? She honestly didn’t know. She wanted Alessandro to ask her to stay. She wanted him to give her some indication that he wanted her. Yes, he was angry that she’d left and taken the children, but that wasn’t the same as missing her, was it?

‘I don’t know,’ she said quietly, knowing that Katy was old enough to deserve at least part of the truth. ‘I don’t know, sweetheart, but we’re trying to work everything out.’

Katy chewed her lip. ‘If I could only have one thing this Christmas, it would be you and Dad back together and living here like we always did.’

Christy felt her stomach turn. She’d stay, she told herself. Whatever happened, she’d stay for the sake of the children. How could she do anything else? Her own needs really didn’t matter, she told herself as she fixed a reassuring smile on her face and pulled her daughter into her arms.

‘You don’t have to worry,’ she whispered soothingly. ‘Everything is going to be fine for you.’

But would it be fine for her?

Only time could tell.


bsp; * * *

The casserole was cooked and she was mashing potatoes when she finally heard Alessandro’s key in the door.

‘Daddy!’ The children hurtled towards him and he lifted them both into a hug.

Watching from the kitchen door, Christy felt her heart turn over. Whatever happened, she wouldn’t be leaving, she told herself. She couldn’t deprive the children of their right to live with their father. But where did that leave her?

He lifted Ben into his arms, swung him round and then laid him on the rug and tickled him mercilessly while Christy laughed.

‘You’re getting him all wound up,’ she scolded, ‘and just before bedtime.’

‘Isn’t that what fathers are supposed to do?’ He straightened in a lithe, athletic movement and looked at her properly for the first time. His gaze slid slowly down her slender frame and then his eyes returned to hers.

‘I’m very tired,’ he drawled in a soft voice, stepping over Ben and walking towards her. ‘I was thinking of an early night. Does that suit you?’

There was a wicked gleam in his eyes that made her heart miss a beat. ‘I’m pretty tired, too,’ she croaked, and Katy cleared her throat.

‘Well, before you both fall asleep, could you possibly feed us? We’re both starving.’

Christy dragged her eyes away from Alessandro’s burning gaze. ‘Oh, yes—dinner’s ready.’ Suddenly flustered, aware of his eyes on her, she hurried back into the kitchen and lifted the warmed plates from the oven. ‘Come on, then. Sit up.’

Suddenly she just wanted dinner to be over.

She wanted to be with Alessandro.

* * *

‘Daddy, will you read me a story?’

‘Of course.’ Alessandro smiled at Katy and then glanced at Christy. ‘Is that OK with you? Do you need help clearing up the kitchen?’

He hoped she’d say no. Clearing up the kitchen was his least favourite task and perhaps she knew that because she gave a smile and shook her head.

‘You go and read to the children. I’ll finish off here and meet you upstairs.’

Suddenly in the grip of a serious attack of lust, Alessandro had to force himself to follow his daughter into her pink, girly bedroom.

‘Just a quick story tonight,’ he muttered, as he scanned her bookshelves for something that had few pages. He wanted to be with Katy’s mother.

Katy reached for a huge fat book. ‘I’m reading this, but you don’t have to finish it so you can relax.’

Alessandro stared at the book and decided that if it fell on someone’s foot, he’d be taking them to the operating theatre. ‘Well, that’s a relief.’