‘Good. He’s still in pain so I’m going to give him a femoral nerve block before we splint and X-ray.’

Immediately Christy reached for the needle she knew he was going to need and an ampoule of lignocaine.

Alessandro felt for the femoral artery and cleaned the skin. Then he held out his hand for the local anaesthetic that Christy had prepared.

She watched while he inserted the needle perpendicular to the skin and then aspirated to check for blood. ‘That’s fine,’ he murmured, moving the needle up and down as he injected the local anaesthetic.

Katya moved forward, standing close to Alessandro. ‘What happens if you puncture the artery?’

‘I resign.’ Sounding impossibly Spanish, Alessandro dropped the syringe back on the tray that Christy was holding and gave a brief smile. ‘But before I resign, I compress it for five to ten minutes or until the bleeding stops. Then I carry on with the femoral nerve block.’ He turned his attention back to his patient. ‘That should give you some relief very quickly, Derek.’

Katya turned away but not before Christy had seen the flirtatious glance.

She wanted Alessandro.

Christy’s stomach lurched and she swallowed hard.

She was used to women staring at Alessandro. It had always happened and perhaps it always would because he was a man who inevitably attracted the attention of the female sex. But this was the first time she’d seen it happen when their marriage was in trouble.

Had he done something about it?

She bit her lip. Katya was very pretty. Alessandro was a hot-blooded Spaniard with a high sex drive, she knew that better than anyone. With their marriage in its current state, it was hard not to worry.

Had something happened between them?

The man closed his eyes and shook his head. ‘We were on our way to a school—delivering presents.’

‘Don’t worry about that now.’ Pushing aside disturbing thoughts of Katya with her arms wrapped around Alessandro, Christy gave a reassuring smile as the man gripped her hand tightly.

‘Will you get someone to phone the school and explain? These kids believe in Father Christmas. What will they think if I don’t turn up?’

Alessandro looked taken aback but Christy squeezed the man’s hand. ‘I’ll talk to one of the nurses outside see if one of your elves can make a call.’

Alessandro looked at her blankly and she just smiled and turned to Donna, who was hovering nervously. ‘Can you speak to Nicky?’ she said quietly. ‘Ask her to talk to one of the elves and call the school.’

Visibly relieved to be given an excuse to leave, Donna backed out of the room.

Alessandro watched her go with an ominous frown in his dark eyes. ‘She’s nervous.’

‘She’s learning and you can be scary,’ Christy said calmly. ‘Do you want to immobilise the limb now?’

He looked at her. ‘I’m scary?’

‘Not everyone is born with your confidence. Derek, we’re going to splint this leg of yours and for that I need to take some measurements on your uninjured leg.’ Having offered an explanation, Christy moved the blanket and measured the uppermost part of the patient’s thigh.

Donna slipped back by her side. ‘It’s done,’ she said breathlessly. ‘They’ve phoned the school and everyone is fine.’

‘Good. Well done.’ Christy smiled at her patient. ‘You can stop worrying. Even Father Christmas is allowed to be held up when he’s delivering presents.’

He smiled weakly. ‘You probably think I’m mad, worrying about that while I’m lying here with a broken leg, but I don’t want to disappoint the children. I think the pain is getting easier.’

‘The splint will help the pain, too,’ Christy explained, and then turned to Donna and handed her the measurements she’d taken. ‘We’re going to use a Thomas splint. Can you go and fetch me one, please? You’d better get the size above and below, just in case. It will save you making another journey.’

Working as a team, they prepared to fit the splint and Christy applied the adhesive tape and then wrapped the leg from ankle to mid-thigh with gauze bandage, talking Donna through what she was doing.

The girl lost her nervous appearance and moved closer to the trolley, her expression keen and interested.

Alessandro applied traction to the leg, gently pulling the ankle with one hand and supporting the knee with the other.