She talked frankly for a few minutes more and then Howard rose to his feet and gave her a grateful smile.

‘I can’t thank you enough. I feel a lot better.’

‘Good.’ Helen stood up and walked him to the door. ‘Anytime you have any worries just pop back and see me.’

And then she remembered that the chances were she wouldn’t be here.

Her life was in London.

She buzzed for her next patient, a frown on her face.

If she was honest with herself she was enjoying this small community where everyone knew about everyone else.

And she was enjoying working with Oliver.

She sucked in a breath and stared out of the window, her eyes on the snow-covered fells that he loved so much.

It was still troubling her that she was becoming so obsessed with Oliver when only a few weeks before she’d been making preparations to spend the rest of her life with David.

It was just self-preservation, she assured herself, pulling herself together as her next patient tapped on her door. David had rejected her so brutally that it was perfectly natural for her to respond when an attractive man flirted with her.

And Oliver wasn’t serious. She knew he couldn’t be serious.

He’d only known her for just over a week.

That afternoon she finished work on time and went and collected Hilda from her cottage.

‘I just want to show you something,’ she said, waiting while Hilda picked up her coat and bag. ‘And, anyway, it’ll be fun to get out and have some fresh air. I’ve been stuck in a surgery surrounded by germs all morning.’

Hilda smiled. ‘I see Dr Hunter has leant you his four-by-four.’

‘That’s right.’ Helen grinned and opened the passenger door for her. ‘Although why he trusts us girls with it, I have no idea.’

Hilda laughed and climbed into the vehicle with some discreet help from Helen. ‘I suppose this is the point where you tell me you used to be a racing driver.’

‘Would you mind if I was?’

‘Not at all.’ Hilda fastened her seat-belt. ‘To be honest, I’m in the market for some excitement.’

‘Well, you can relax. I’m not that confident with his car yet,’ Helen confessed ruefully, pulling out and setting off towards the town. ‘So we’ll have to seek our excitement in other directions.’

‘So how are you settling down, dear?’

‘Very well. Everyone is very kind.’

Hilda glanced across at her. ‘And you’re living with Dr Hunter…’

Helen blushed. ‘We’re both staying in his sister’s house. I wouldn’t exactly say I’m living with him.’

‘Sounds as though you’re living with him to me,’ Hilda said placidly, reaching down and picking up her bag. ‘And a good thing, too. We’ve all waited a long time to see Oliver find the right woman.’

Helen gave a soft gasp. ‘Hilda, I’m not the right woman.’

‘Judging from the way he was looking at you when he brought you to my house that first weekend, I think he might have a different opinion on that subject.’

Helen shook her head. ‘I’ve known him for less than two weeks.’

‘I fell in love with my husband in two minutes,’ Hilda said wistfully, pulling a tissue out of her bag and blowing her nose. ‘And he was the same. When you know, you know.’