Emily felt a rush of gratitude. Without looking at Lisa’s finances, she had a feeling that it might not make enough of a difference to keep Summer Scoop afloat, but at least it was a positive step. And he’d taken it.

Lisa’s face suggested that any good news was worth celebrating. “Seriously?”

“It’s good ice cream. You’ll need to talk to Anton about flavors and quantities.”

“I’ll do that. And thank you.” Lisa looked as if she was about to hug him. “Could I offer you a celebratory scoop?”

“Thanks, but after six o’clock my preference is for a cold beer. I’m meeting Alec in ten minutes at the Ocean Bar. That’s not the only reason I’m here.” His gaze slid to Emily. “We’re having a lobster bake on South Beach next Saturday.”

“I know.” Lisa brightened. “I’ve booked tickets for the three of us. The twins really enjoyed it last year, and the weather is promising to be lovely. Emily, you should come. Lizzy will love it.”

A beach party? She couldn’t think of anything worse. People. Distractions. Everyone so busy having fun that they failed to notice when a young child was in trouble. “I can’t. Skylar is coming for the weekend.”

“Bring her, too.” Ryan’s tone told her he knew exactly what she was thinking, and his next words confirmed it. “We always employ a couple of lifeguards for our beach parties, and not that many people venture into the water once the sun goes down. Too cold.” He and Lisa discussed a few more details, and then he gave Emily a nod and strolled out of the shop.

Lisa sighed. “With twins, aged six, I don’t think about sex much, and then a guy like him walks in, and suddenly I can’t help my mind from drifting.”

Emily was about to say “who wouldn’t” and stopped herself. There were some things she still wasn’t willing to share. “I’m glad he’s going to stock your ice cream.”

“Me, too, although what I’d really like to do is to serve it on his naked body. Not that I want a relationship,” Lisa added hastily, “but a few hours of mind-blowing sex with Ryan Cooper would make me forget my troubles.”

Or add to your troubles, Emily thought.

She owed him an apology, and the longer she left it, the harder it would be.

Making a decision, she turned to Lisa. “Would you watch Lizzy for just five minutes? There’s something I need to do.”


RYAN HAD WALKED as far as the harbor when he heard her calling h

is name.

“Ryan, wait!” There was an urgency to her voice, and he turned quickly, forgetting his intention to keep his distance. The moment he saw her he wanted to drag her against him and kiss her until both of them forgot the time of day. To make sure he didn’t touch her, he thrust his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

“Is something wrong?”

“Nothing is wrong.” She was slightly breathless. “I owe you an apology.”

“For what?”

“For the things I said. For accusing you of deceiving me. I—I overreacted. I understand why you did what you did.” She was building bridges while he was trying to widen the gulf between them.

“You were protecting your child.”

“You’ve been nothing but kind to me since I arrived here, and I should have trusted you.”

She’d asked for honesty, so he decided to give it to her. “I’m not kind, Emily. Don’t make that mistake. My sister will tell you I’m a selfish, stubborn s—” He caught himself and then gave a short laugh. “I was editing it for children, and then I realized that for once we’re on our own. No child.”

She glanced at the hordes of tourists spilling from the ferry and gave him a hesitant smile. “Not exactly on our own.”

He was grateful for the crowds. Only the knowledge that he’d be arrested for indecency stopped him doing what he wanted to do. “So you left Lizzy with the twins. Good decision. Lisa is a responsible person, and the twins are sweet kids.”

“They are.” Her gaze slid to his. “I didn’t think you liked kids, Ryan Cooper.”

“I like them when they belong to someone else.”

“I was talking to Lisa about the business.” She was earnest and serious, but it made no difference because he already knew how much passion was simmering beneath that modest shirt. She dressed to hide her body, but curves like hers weren’t easily disguised, and he’d already discovered what was underneath her clothes. He could still feel the dip of her small waist and the fullness of her breasts. He could taste the sweet flavor of her mouth as she’d opened to him, and he wanted to taste it again. He wanted to drag her into the nearest empty side street and indulge in the sort of sex she’d never be able to describe as “nice.”