She was responsible for a child, which meant she wasn’t his type at all.


“CALL ME. I want to know how you’re both doing.” Skylar pulled her case out of the car and took a last breath of sea air. “There are days when I think I could live here. It would be a simpler life. The air is fresh and the light is wonderful. I’d find myself a little studio by the sea where I could paint and make jewelry.”

They were standing near the tiny runway, waiting for the Cessna 206 owned by Maine Island Air. The business was the lifeline for islanders needing rapid, easy access to the mainland. It delivered the mail, people and occasionally medical supplies.

Today, Sky was the only passenger.

“Just me and the mail,” she said cheerfully, leaning forward to hug Emily. “Ryan is hot by the way, and by hot I am talking weapons-grade sex appeal. And I’m willing to bet he doesn’t think your breasts are unfortunate. You really should use him to get over Boring Neil.”

Emily didn’t mention that Ryan had suggested the same thing. Or that, for one crazy minute, she’d actually considered it. “My life is already complicated enough.”

Sky checked to see that Lizzy was still safely in the car out of earshot. “Not all complications are bad. Ryan is the whole deal. Those shoulders. That smile. I wanted to crawl onto his lap and see if he’s as good a kisser as I think he’d be.”

“So why didn’t you?”

“Because he’s interested in you, and anyway, I’m with Richard.”

“He isn’t interested in me. He’s a player, the sort who can’t let a woman walk past without making a move.”

“Honey, he could hardly keep his hands off you at the lunch table. He almost burst a blood vessel holding back the caveman inside. You should think about it.” Sky spoke in a soft voice. “It’s time you went to bed with something other than a good book.”

She had thought about it, and thinking about it had caused a thrill of excitement low in her belly. “Thinking about it is all I intend to do.”

“At least you’ve thought about it. If you hadn’t admitted that, I would have phoned for medical help. Why aren’t you going to do anything about it?”

“Because everything about this situation is unreal.”

“He looked pretty real to me.”

“I have to think of Lizzy.”

“Having Lizzy doesn’t mean giving up sex. You can’t live in isolation, especially in a place like this. You need adult company. For what it’s worth, I like him. I think you can trust him.”

“I hope so, since he knows the truth.” She’d told Sky what had happened. “Did Alec upset you?”

“A little.” Skylar slid sunglasses onto her nose. “Personality clash. No biggie.”

“I thought you and he seemed—”


“Nothing. Ignore me.”

“Like I said, I’m with Richard. And even if I wasn’t, I don’t have a thing for damaged men, and Alec Hunter is definitely damaged, not to mention rude.” Her friend stared into the distance. “Insanely good-looking, of course, but that’s not enough to compensate for his other deficiencies.”

“Ryan mentioned that he’s coming out of a bad divorce.”

“If yesterday was an indication of his usual level of charm, the surprise is that someone married him in the first place, not that they divorced him.”


e’s very successful. And he makes history accessible. I’ve watched him in a few different things. Type ‘Shipwreck Hunter’ into a search engine and you can find a video of him in action, kayaking the Colorado River. And last year he helped build and sail a Viking ship. Don’t you watch TV?”

“Not much.” Skylar watched as the plane approached. “I wish I didn’t have to leave. I love this place. All I want to do is curl up here for the summer, walk on the cliffs and make jewelry, instead of which I have to smile and make polite small talk with people who bore me. My feet are going to be screaming by the weekend, and then we’re going to The Hamptons to see Richard’s family. Pity me.”

“You’re staying with his family? Are you being vetted?”