She knew he was thinking of her mother. “I drink. But I stop. Unfortunately wine wasn’t one of the things I grabbed in my two-minute raid of Harbor Stores.”

“Will coffee keep you awake?”

“I don’t sleep, anyway.” She was afraid to close her eyes in case something happened.

And now she had Lizzy in the bed with her.

“So, which is the worst part of all this? The boyfriend, the job or the kid?” He reached for a coffeepot while she found two mugs and put them down on the counter.

“Definitely the child.”

“Not the boyfriend?”

“It would have ended eventually.”

“Commitment phobia?”

“In a way.”

“Plenty of men suffer from the same affliction.”

“I was talking about me. I end all my relationships.”

He gave her a curious look. “I would never have cast you in the role of serial heartbreaker.”

“I try and disguise it. I sand the bedpost to hide the notches.”

“So, what do you want out of a relationship?”

She watched as he moved around the kitchen and poured coffee into the two mugs, handing one to her. He looked competent and relaxed. “I don’t want a traditional happy ending if that’s what you’re asking. Two children and a dog have never interested me.”

“Which bit of that scenario bothers you most? The dog?”

She knew he was teasing, but this time she couldn’t smile. “All of it bothers me.”

“But you’ve ended up with a child, anyway.”

“Yes.” She walked to the window, trying to steady herself. “My favorite part of this house is the garden. We used to pick blueberries and eat them for breakfast.”

“The climate and the soil are perfect here. You should try the blueberry ice cream at Summer Scoop on the harbor. It’s delicious.” Ryan paused. “What will you do about a job? Puffin Island isn’t exactly a hub of activity for management consultancy firms.”

“I’m not thinking about that right now.” She sipped her coffee, thinking how strange it was having a man in her kitchen. “I’m still adjusting to being responsible for a child. I have some money saved up. I’ll worry about the rest of it later.”

“Does your ex-boyfriend know what happened?”


His eyes narrowed. “Let me get this straight. You were together for three years, and he hasn’t once checked to see how you’re doing?”

“The only people who know are Brittany and Skylar. And the lawyers, obviously. Even Lana’s staff weren’t told, for obvious reasons, since at least one of them let a journalist into the house. Who does that? Who stalks a child?” She put the mug down and stared over the garden. “I’m not going to be able to keep it a secret, am I? This place is going to be crowded with tourists in the summer. Someone is going to recognize her.”

“Not necessarily. You forget that they’re not looking. This isn’t Hollywood. People come here to spend time away from the busy crush of their lives. They come here for the coast and the sea air.”

“One of the locals will say something, then. Her picture was on the front page of the newspaper. They shouldn’t be allowed to do that.”

“The community is very protective of its own.”

“But I’m not a member of the community.”