“In my experience laughing always helps. So, what’s your plan?”

“I got myself here. So far, that’s it. I need to lie low while I work out what is best for Lizzy.”

“And what about you?”

Her mouth was dry. “What about me?”

“You didn’t sign on for this. It wasn’t your choice.” Something about the way he said it made her wonder if there was more to his comment than an astute observation.

“It wasn’t a choice for either of us.”

“I presume you chose the name ‘Lizzy’ because you’re worried Juliet might draw attention.”

“It’s not a common name, and right now it’s in the press a lot, so I thought it safer not to use it.”

“Good decision. While the story is hot, the fewer people who make the connection, the better.”

“But you know.” As the implications of that struck her, she had to force herself to breathe. “What are you going to do with the information? The media would pay good money for a photo of Lana’s child.”

“Do I look like I need to sell a story to the media?” His mild tone coated layers of steel, and she squirmed because it seemed an uncharitable accusation, given he’d been nothing but helpful.

“I’m sorry. That was inexcusable. But I don’t know you. And I don’t know her, either.”

“You know she likes chocolate milk and waffles.”

She gave a wan smile. “Small steps.”

He stood up. “Life is made of small steps. Let’s start by clearing up the eggs before you slip. Breaking both your legs and knocking yourself unconscious isn’t going to make the future easier.”

“The eggs were for tomorrow’s breakfast.”

“I’ll bring you breakfast. I’ll be around at nine. Don’t leave the cottage until I get here. That’s the next twelve hours sorted. After that, we’ll plan the next twelve hours. You can get through a life like that.” With an efficiency that surprised her, he cleaned up the mess and stowed the contents of the bags while Emily went to check on Lizzy.

She found her asleep, still clutching Andrew.

“She’s exhausted. I should put her to bed.”

“I’ll carry her upstairs.” Ryan was behind her, and she shook her head.

“I can do it.”

“Are you sure?” He eyed her frame. “You don’t look strong enough.”

“Careful. You’re starting to sound like a fairy-tale prince. Just for the record, I’m capable of storming my own castle.” She scooped Lizzy up in her arms and headed upstairs. She weighed more than Emily had expected, but she would rather have sprained her back than admit it to Ryan Cooper.

She lowered Lizzy to the bed, pulled off the little girl

’s shoes, tucked Andrew next to her and covered child and bear with the quilt. Then she stood, looking down at the feathery lashes brushing pale cheeks, and felt overwhelmed by the responsibility.

This wasn’t temporary. This wasn’t just for a few days or even the summer.

This was forever.

Subduing the panic, she stepped away from the bed. She couldn’t think about forever.

She returned to the kitchen to find Ryan opening cupboards. “What are you looking for?”

“Wine?” He paused. “Or maybe you don’t drink.”