There was a long silence, and then she lifted her face to his. “No, I’m scared bec

ause I love her back.”


“She’s been with me for a matter of weeks, and I was so sure I had this under control.”

“Feelings are the hardest thing in life to control.”

She raked shaking fingers through her hair. “What am I going to do?”

“Same thing everyone else does. You’re going to take life a day at a time, enjoy the good parts and deal with the bad.”

“The bad broke me.”

“You were a child and you were alone. You’re not alone now.” He pulled her against him and lowered his mouth to hers. “Tell me why you ran out on me this morning.”

“I needed to pick up Lizzy.”

“Next time, wake me.” He kissed her and heard her moan softly. “How soon do you think Lizzy will want to go for another sleepover?”

“Not for a while.”

“In that case I am going to be taking a lot of cold swims in the sea.” He lifted his head and smoothed her hair back, searching her face. “Do you regret it?”

She shook her head. “Do you?”

It had been the best sex of his life. “No.” He could feel her curves against him and had to use all his willpower not to strip her naked and press her back against the sofa. “But Kirsti saw you leaving, and I had to endure half an hour of questions, none of which I answered.”

“Oops. Awkward.”

“Not really. I’m immune to Kirsti. Let me know when you and Lizzy want to go out on the boat again.”

“You’d take her again?”

“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”

She gave him a long look. “I guess I’m a little surprised. You make no secret of the fact your preference is for a child-free life.”

“I’m suggesting a boat trip, not inviting her to move in. I like Lizzy. She’s been through a trauma, and I know how that feels. And it’s the only way I can spend time with you.”

There was nothing more to it than that.

He had no idea why people insisted on making things more complicated than they were.


THE REGENERATION OF Summer Scoop took place the following weekend.

Lisa had bought the paint and supplies, and Ryan had managed to enlist an army of volunteers from the students who frequented the island over the summer months. They arrived in a minivan emblazoned with the logo of the Marine Center, ready to pitch in for the reward of free ice cream.

Skylar, who had flown in for the weekend, put herself in charge of the interior. She’d discarded the option of plain walls in favor of a mural. She and Lisa had pored over designs, before finally agreeing on an ocean theme.

“It needs puffins,” Lizzy had announced firmly, and so puffins had been added to the design.

Skylar had given all three children paintbrushes and small pots of paint, and put them in charge of painting the sand under her strict supervision.

“She should be a teacher,” Rachel murmured as she joined the group outside, painting the exterior. “I’m going to try and tempt her to do a few weeks at Camp Puffin next summer.”