“What do you mean?”

“Oh, please—” she anchored her dark hair with her hand “—you’re carrying Lizzy on your shoulders and looking at shells. Who are you and what have you done with my brother?”

“You’re not funny.”

“No, what isn’t funny is you using a child to get access to Emily’s body!”

He ground his teeth. “Do you want to speak a little louder? I don’t think they heard you in Boston.”

“It’s not fair, Ryan.”

He swore under his breath and dragged his fingers through his hair. “That isn’t what I’m doing.”

“Then what are you doing?”

“Honestly? I don’t know.”

“But you like Emily.”

Like? Such an insipid word didn’t even begin to describe his complex feelings. “I sympathize with her situation.”

“That wasn’t sympathy I saw in your eyes when you looked at her.”

“Back off.”

“We both know you’re not interested in taking on anyone’s kids long-term, so just be careful, Ryan. I’m thinking of Lizzy. She’s young. Kids get attached.”

“Are you lecturing me?”

“Yeah, so now you know how it feels.” She punched him lightly on the arm and walked back to the group at the far side of the beach, leaving him staring after her.

She was right, of course.

He wasn’t interested in taking responsibility for a child.

He thought about Lizzy’s hands locked in his hair and the delicious sound of her giggle as he’d bounced her across the sand.

What the hell was he doing?

He’d told Rachel to back off, but he was the one who needed to back off.

He talked to Anton for a few minutes, exchanged small talk with a few locals and then returned to where the others were sitting.

Instantly Lizzy slid across the blanket to show him another shell, but this time he encouraged her to show Skylar instead and sat detached while they continued to sift through their personal hoard of treasure.

When the food was ready, they used rocks to crack open the lobsters and ate until they were full.

Ryan watched Emily, wondering why he’d never before seen a beach picnic as a sensual activity. There was too much licking of lips and sucking of fingers for his own personal comfort.

The twins and Lizzy, tired from so much outdoor activity, fell asleep in a heap between Rachel and Lisa who were talking about plans for the summer. Skylar was still sorting through sea glass and shells, holding up each piece to the light of the fire to take a closer look.

Emily leaned forward, too, and the soft fabric at the neckline of her dress gaped slightly, giving him an uninterrupted view of smooth, full breasts.

Remembering exactly how they looked bare and aching for his touch, Ryan felt a raging hunger that had nothing to do with food.

Lust was hot, liquid and brutal. The final straw was when he saw a couple of the male swimming instructors from the Ocean Club pool almost fall on their faces as they tried to get a better look at Emily’s luxuriant curves. Ryan gave them an icy glare that had them backing away, and then sprang to his feet.

“I need to talk to Anton again.”