
“Will you trust me with Lizzy? Will you trust me with your heart? Can you do that?”

The cliff gave way beneath her feet, but instead of falling she was flying. “Yes.” The word was almost inaudible, so she said it again. “Yes. Oh, yes.”

And then he was kissing her, his mouth hard and demanding, his hands possessive and protective. Somewhere through the mists of passion, she heard the door opening, and she pulled away to see Lizzy peeping around the door with Agnes behind her.

“Can we come in, Ryan? Have you done it?”

Her hand still locked in the front of his shirt, Emily glanced up at him. “You told her to stay away?”

“I told her I had something important to ask you.”

“He said it was private.” Lizzy skipped across the room, and he scooped her up.

Watching the two of them together, Emily felt her heart flutter.

“Lizzy, we have something to tell you.”

“I already know.” She leaned her head against Ryan’s shoulder, blond curls brushing against dark. “Ryan loves us. I told you that in the hospital, but you didn’t believe me. Can we go and see the puffins again soon? Can we go sailing and eat waffles?”

“Yes.” Emily’s voice was muffled as Ryan pulled her close with his other arm. “Yes, we can do all those things.”

Agnes walked into the room, a smile on her face. “Tilly is on the phone. You called her about a rental, but I told her it was a mistake.”

Emily eased away from Ryan’s grip, wondering how she was supposed to focus on the practical when her head was spinning. “But Brittany is coming home, and I still need to find somewhere to live.”

She saw Ryan exchange a look with Agnes and smile.

“You don’t need to find somewhere to live.” He lowered Lizzy to the window seat that overlooked the harbor. “I happen to know of a large family home with a sea view that’s not even on the market yet. It will be perfect for us.”


Keep reading for an excerpt from SUDDENLY LAST SUMMER by Sarah Morgan.


Without my brilliant editor, Flo Nicoll, writing would be nowhere near as much fun or as productive. I’m grateful for her wise comments and the insight she offers on each book.

I’m thankful to my agent, Susan Ginsburg, and the team at Writers House who continue to be a wonderful source of support and encouragement in my career, and to the fantastic teams at Harlequin UK and HQN in the US who work so hard to put my books into the hands of readers.

Thanks to my husband for answering my questions on sailing, for not drowning me whenever he’s taken me out on the water and for not rolling his eyes when I hung over the side moaning like a drama queen.

Developing a new series is always fun and exciting. I’m grateful to fellow author and friend Nicola Cornick for always being on the end of the phone when I hit a plot problem and to Andrew Cornick for generously allowing me to use his beautiful photographs of puffins on my website.

My two sons bought me a colony of soft toy puffins to act as inspiration on my desk, thus providing further proof of my family’s support of my unusual profession.

My final thanks go to my readers, who cheer me daily with their kind emails, Tweets and Facebook comments. Thank you for buying my books. You’re the best.



Sarah Morgan—First Time in Forever

USA TODAY bestselling author Sarah Morgan will sweep you away to a world of gorgeous blue seas and even more gorgeous men with the first title in her sexy new Puffin Island trilogy from Harlequin HQN.

First Time in Forever March 2015