She realized she didn’t feel trapped or scared, she felt free. For the first time in her life, she felt as if she’d come home.

Turning back to the car, she bumped into Ryan.

“Sorry—” He put his hands on her arms to steady her, and she stood for a few seconds, disoriented by his closeness and the terrifying depths of her feelings. Her eyes were level with the tanned skin at the base of his throat and the dark stubble that shaded his jaw.

Scooping up Lizzy, she carried her to the cottage and waited while Ryan unlocked the door.

“I should have asked you to stop at the harbor so we could pick some things up.”

“You won’t need anything.” He walked through to the kitchen, and she saw the table was heaped high with bags and parcels.

“What’s all this?”

“This,” Ryan said dryly, “is all courtesy of your neighbors. Welcome to Puffin Island, where everyone knows what you like to eat for dinner. And if you’re in trouble, they provide it.” There was humor in his eyes as he pulled open the fridge and stepped to one side, so that she could see the contents.

Emily gaped and Lizzy wriggled out of her arms.

“There’s so much food!”

“There is.” Emily felt weak. “Was this you? Did you do this?”

“It was everyone. The town council sent out an email to everyone and coordinated people’s contributions. They thought you wouldn’t want to be thinking of food for a few days while you settle back in.”

“The town council emailed?”

“That’s nothing. If you stay here much longer you’ll be expected to give them your phone number. Then you’ll get a call or a text in an emergency.”

Still looking at the food in disbelief, Emily shook her head. “What sort of emergency?”

“Well, let’s see—” he leaned back against the counter “—there was the time two years ago when the Ratners’ barn caught fire, and they needed as many people as possible to help

. Then there was the time when the power went out last January, and they needed volunteers to check on the elderly and vulnerable. It’s a good way of communicating to a wide number of people in the shortest space of time.”

“I’m really touched.” She opened one of the bags and pulled out a doll and a pile of books for Lizzy. “That’s so thoughtful.” Tears thickened her throat, and she realized with a flash of horror that she was going to cry.

Tired, she thought. She was just tired, that was all.

“I need to get Lizzy to bed.” Forcing herself to keep moving, she carried Lizzy up to her bedroom and tucked her in.

“Will you open the window? I want to listen to the sea.”

Emily opened the window, realizing that she no longer shrank from the sound. “Better?”

“Can Ryan read me a story?”

“I think you need to sleep.”

“But could I have a story first?”

Ryan, Ryan, Ryan.

“It’s my turn to read to you.” She sat on the edge of the bed, picked a story and started to read. Lizzy was asleep by the end of the first page.

Emily stayed for a few minutes, staring down at tumbled blond hair and vulnerability.

She’d been almost the same age when she’d lost her sister.

She’d been alone with her feelings. There had been no one to comfort her. No one to protect her.