“Because that’s what friends do when life implodes. Not that I know a lot about your past, but it looks to me as if your life is definitely imploding.”

“But—you don’t even know me that well.”

“Not true. We’ve been walking Valentine when you’re busy for the past two years. You’re kind, sensible and you love your dog. Also, I know my brother is crazy about you, and given that he’s never been crazy about a woman before, I figure you’re someone worth knowing.” She caught her brother’s eye. “What? Why are you looking at me like that? Did I say something I shouldn’t have? I mean, she has to know you’re crazy about her, right? And she’s crazy about you, or you wouldn’t be spending all this time together. And then there’s the fact that you helped me when I had a meltdown. So I owe you for that, too.”

Molly felt her head spin.

Crazy about her? Fliss had that totally wrong, but this wasn’t the time or the place to put her right. She’d obviously misinterpreted all the time Molly and Daniel had been spending together. Read more into it than was there. They were spending a lot of time together, that was true, but not because they were crazy about each other. Because they had fun and enjoyed each other’s company, that was all. What was wrong with that?

Harriet, who was in the process of tucking a blanket around the kittens, glanced at her twin. “You had a meltdown? Was it about Seth? Why don’t I know about this?”

“Because I didn’t want you to have a meltdown, too. You and me together would have escalated global warming. I went to Daniel because he never melts down. And Molly was very helpful. I don’t care what those idiots say, you know what you’re talking about.”

“Have you spoken to Seth yet?”

“No. Still planning that part. I’m building up to it.” Fliss stood up. “Given that we’re now besties, can I make myself coffee in your kitchen? I’m so desperate, I’ll chomp on the beans if you have any.”

There was another knock on the door and Valentine went racing across the apartment, startling the kittens.

“This place is busier than Times Square.” Daniel opened the door again and this time it was Gabe and Mark who stood there.

He let them in and Gabe walked straight to Molly and folded her into a giant hug.

“Are you doing all right?”

“I’m not sure. What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at work?”

“I’m the golden boy since we won the champagne account. I can work at home if I need to.”

“You probably should have gone into the office while you could. After today, you won’t be able to leave your apartment.” She thought about what it had been like for her friends the last time. “There’s still time to move. They’ll want to interview you.”

“The front door is locked. And if it’s any consolation I heard Mrs. Winchester having a go at someone.” Gabe strolled to the window and glanced down into the street. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. We will form a protective circle around you.”

Molly felt her throat thicken and her eyes sting.

She reached behind her to the box of tissues she kept on the shelf, tugged one out and blew her nose.

What was wrong with her?

Maybe she was getting the flu.

“Here. Hold him.” Harriet placed the smallest kitten in her lap. “Nothing like a fluffy kitten to lift the mood.”

Valentine, who seemed confused to be sharing his space with so many people, sat close

to her, nudging the kitten gently with his nose.

Molly looked around her crowded apartment, feeling a little dazed. Gabe and Daniel were discussing how best to handle the situation. Mark and Fliss were clattering around the kitchen, finding mugs and making coffee. Harriet was trying to settle the other two kittens in the basket. “I can’t believe you’re all here.”

“We’re your urban family.” Cheerful, Fliss poured coffee into mugs. “That means we can argue, be generally annoying, hang around when you really wish we’d leave, drink your coffee, eat your food—do you need me to go on?”

The thickening in her throat grew worse. Not flu. Emotion. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Save your words for handling what’s happening. You should blog about it.” It was Daniel who spoke. “There isn’t a man or woman out there who hasn’t struggled with relationships at one point in their lives. Post something. That way you tell it from your point of view. Control it. The only comment you make on this situation is on Ask a Girl. That way, people who want to know more will go directly to your blog.”

“Increase traffic.” Gabe nodded. “I agree. Write something heartfelt and honest. Want me to help? I write advertising copy for a living.”

“We’ll all help you write it.” Fliss handed out mugs of coffee. “For the record, I think it’s so cool that you’re Aggie.”