They were no longer moving, no longer pretending to dance or be part of the party that swirled around them. They were in their own secluded, private world. Separate. Apart.

Rose pink spread across Eva’s cheeks and her eyes sparkled sapphire blue under the lights. “Let’s go.” She took his hand but still Lucas paused, held back by the knowledge they were about to do something that couldn’t be undone.

“Are you sure?”

“Sure? Oh, Lucas—” She touched his face with her palm. “I’ve never been more sure of anything.”


Always be good, unless being bad looks like more fun.


They kept a distance from each other in the car, neither of them trusting their ability to control what they were feeling.

Visibly tense, Lucas loosened his bow tie and flicked open the top button of his shirt.

Eva’s gaze slid to his throat. She wasn’t able to look at him without wanting him. “Are you hot?”

The look he gave her was so intimate her insides melted. “Something like that.”

She wondered if they could ask the driver to go a little faster. It was hardly any distance to Lucas’s apartment. They probably could have run there faster than he was driving.

Her hand wandered across to Lucas and he took it in a firm clasp, pressing her palm against the hard muscle of his thigh.

Every touch increased the anticipation. Longing made her shaky and weak.

By the time they eventually arrived at his building she was so desperate to kiss him that she was almost ready to drag him into the park and risk frostbite rather than wait the extra few frustrating minutes while they took the elevator to his apartment.

The moment the elevator doors closed they came together like magnets.

His hand cupped her head and his mouth crushed down on hers, and all she could think was finally, finally. After that, everything blurred. She felt the erotic stroke of his tongue and the urgency of his hands as he shoved her back against the wall of the elevator, trapping her body against his. It was intense, impelling, and so exciting that all she could do was snatch in a breath and hold on.

His kiss bordered on the rough but she didn’t care. She speared the silky strands of his hair with her fingers and drew him closer, desperately trying to drink in more of him. Somewhere in the distance she heard a muted ping and Lucas nudged her out of the elevator without releasing his hold on her.

They fumbled their way into his apartment and as the door swung closed, all restraint left them.

Breathing heavily, he dragged his mouth from hers and trailed his lips over her jaw and down her throat, his fingers peeling down the tiny straps that held her dress in place. The dress slithered to the floor and she felt the rush of cool air against her heated skin.

With a groan of appreciation, he cupped one of her breasts in his palm, dragging his thumb over the straining peak. She arched into him, feeling the thickened hardness of him pressing against her. Sensation showered on sensation. It was like being caught under a waterfall with no opportunity to catch her breath.

His lips followed his hands and he drew her into the heat of his mouth, the skilled flick of his tongue driving her wild.

“Wait—my purse—” She tried to focus, tried to find the place she’d dropped her clutch, but her head was spinning.

“You don’t need your purse.”

“My condom—”

Swearing under his breath, he drew away from her just long enough to locate and rescue her purse. He pushed it into her hands and then swung her and the purse into his arms.

“Where are we going?”


“The wall works just fine for me.” Her need for him eclipsed everything.

She couldn’t have said how they made it from the door to his bedroom, as she was too busy kissing her way down the roughness of his jaw, exploring hard lines and male textures.