“Oh.” There was the faintest hint of reproach in her voice. “You’re not that careful with people’s feelings, are you?”

“You didn’t know I tipped it down the toilet.”

“Until now.”

He gave a half smile. “Honesty seemed the only way to break the flow of herbal tea that’s likely to come in my direction otherwise.”

“Another way would be to drink it.”

He leaned against the door. “So is this how it’s going to be? If you’re staying here you’re going to make my life hell?”

“Not hell—healthy. The word you’re looking for is healthy.” She pushed the tray into his hands. “You drink too much caffeine and alcohol.”

“Do I have any other sins you plan to reform while you’re here? What about my work ethic?”

“There’s nothing wrong with hard work. I admire your dedication.”

Her answer surprised him. He was used to being lectured on working too hard. “How about meat? Aren’t you going to lecture me on my red meat intake?”

“I’m not feeding you red meat. Dinner tonight is my special vegetarian risotto.”

“I’m starting to regret the impulse that drove me to invite you here.”

“You’re going to love it. And you didn’t invite, you demanded. And you already paid up front so you can’t back out now.”

“You’re telling me I’ve lost all leverage.”

“That’s right. I’m in charge.” She smiled. “Enjoy your herbal tea.”

* * *

Trying to block out the image of smoldering eyes and that sexy-as-hell body, Eva set to work the next day in the place that was most natural for her. The kitchen.

She’d already planned to add two new festive recipes to her blog, and Lucas would be the beneficiary because he’d get to eat the spoils.

She cooked all afternoon, recorded a new YouTube video, skillfully edited the result and posted it online. Not once in all that time did Lucas emerge.

Occasionally she glanced up the sweep of stairs, but his office door remained firmly closed, which confused her a little. It seemed that needing her for inspiration didn’t require him to lay eyes on her.

Darkness fell, cloaking the silvery-white of the park in moonlit shadows. Still there was no sign of him and the silence stretched her nerves to the breaking point.

Eventually she took the stairs that led to the upper floor, knocked on his office door and paused, listening.

There was no sound.

She was about to walk away, when the door opened.

Lucas stood there. “Yes?”

He was the type of guy who could carry off a tux or jeans with equal confidence. Today it was jeans and he filled them well, the denim skimming the powerful muscles of his thighs. His shirt was open at the neck revealing a hint of dark chest chair.

A ripple of sensation skittered over her skin. “Hi.”

He looked preoccupied. “Did you need something?”

Her mind blanked.

Confronted by sexy male, she couldn’t remember why she’d knocked on his door.