“I promised to accompany you. I didn’t promise to enjoy myself.”

“Let yourself go a little. It’s so long since you’ve been out, you might be surprised how much fun it is to talk to real humans. You spend too long in the world of serial killers.” She gestured with her head. “Do you know that guy over there? The one smiling at me?”

“That’s a fake smile. You can tell by the way his lips pull over his teeth. He’s hunting.”


“For his next victim. Look at the focus in his eyes.”

Eva was finding it hard to focus on anyone but Lucas. “You think he’s a serial killer?”

“More like a serial adulterer. He’s been married four times. His last wife was eight months pregnant when he left her.”

“You can tell all that by looking at the way he smiles? That’s impressive.”

“I can tell all that because I know who he is. His name is Doug Peterson and he’s a partner at Crouch, Fox and Peterson. They’re a law firm. Do not under any circumstances be tempted to smile back.”

“The purpose of tonight is for me to get out and meet people.”

“Not people like him. He’s coming over. I’ll deal with him.”

She was about to protest that she was perfectly able to deal with him herself, but Doug Peterson was already standing in front of them.

“Lucas. Good to see you back in the saddle.” He grasped Lucas by the hand, kept eye contact for a fraction of a second and then turned to Eva. “And who is your charming date?”

If only. “I’m not—”

“This is Eva.” Lucas clamped his hand around her wrist in a possessive gesture. “We won’t keep you, Doug. I’m sure you have a busy night ahead.”

Doug’s gaze lingered on the dip in Eva’s neckline and then he smiled, flashing perfect white teeth.

Like a shark before a meal, Eva thought, resisting the temptation to tug at her dress.

“Got to hand it to you, Lucas, when you come back, you do it in style.” He walked away and Eva stared after him in disbelief.

“You let him think that we—”


She could feel the firm grip of his fingers around her wrist. “You didn’t need to do that. I could have handled him.”

“I handled him for you.”

“Don’t do it again. If you keep ‘handling’ people, I’m not going to meet anyone. Everyone is going to think I’m with you.” And being with Lucas was something she was trying not to think about. Each time he touched her, each time he looked at her, it was getting harder.

“If that’s what it takes to keep you safe.”

“I don’t want to be safe! I want to live.”

“When we find someone I think can be trusted, I’ll make it clear we’re not together.”

“If we’re waiting to find someone you think can be trusted, we’re going to be here all night. You don’t trust anyone.” She glanced down at her wrist, still encircled by his strong fingers. “Are you going to let me go?”

/> He didn’t loosen his grip. “I’m keeping you out of trouble.”

“That’s why I’d like you to let me go. I’m trying to get into trouble, and you’re preventing it.” She scanned the room and saw a pretty brunette on the far side of the dance floor. “She has a nice smile. How about her?”

“You’re bisexual?”