Eddy’s expression was ugly. “You’re all big and tough when you have your friends here, Roxy, but we both know you don’t have the guts.”

“Try me.” Roxy braced her shoulders. “You come within a hundred feet of my baby again and you’ll find out how much I’ve changed since I had the sense to walk away from you.” She turned to Matt. “The police are here. Can I leave you to handle it for a minute? I left Mia with James.”

“James is here?” Matt wondered how it was that his whole team suddenly seemed to be camping out in his house.

“I called him and he came right away. That’s what friends do.” Roxy glared at Eddy. “I’m making a statement. I’m telling them everything. You don’t scare me anymore.”

Matt hoped Eddy couldn’t see what he could see. That Roxy was shaking.

Eddy squirmed. “I have rights!”

“And I have a black belt in karate,” Frankie said pleasantly. “Want me to show you a few more of my moves? I’m having fun trying them out in a real-life scenario.”

Two uniformed officers entered the apartment and Eddy started to howl.

“Get her off me! This is assault.”

Matt felt a ridiculous urge to smile, an urge that faded as soon as Frankie stood up and he saw the blood pouring from her leg.

“You’re hurt—”

“I knelt on glass. If I hadn’t been wearing this stupid dress I would have been okay. I should have stuck to yoga pants.” Wincing, she pulled out a large shard and frowned at the kitchen floor. “This place is a mess. Roxy can’t bring Mia back in here until we’ve properly cleaned it up.”

“She can use our apartment for the moment.” He was by her side, grabbing a towel to stem the bleeding. “I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“I’m fine. But I don’t want to get blood on my new dress. It’s the only one I own. Did you say our apartment?”

“Frankie, you’re not fine. And yes, I said our apartment. That’s what it is, providing you meant all the things you said back there.”

“I meant every single word. And I still have to give you something. I had it all planned, and then this happened. He messed it all up!”

Matt looked into her eyes, but decided that this wasn’t the right time to tell her everything he wanted to say. “Let’s deal with Eddy, speak to the police, get your knee seen and then we can talk.”

“We need to get Claws to the vet, too. She stepped on the glass.”

“I’ll do that.” Eva stepped into the room and Matt felt a rush of affection for her.

“You hate my cat.”

“I wouldn’t say I hate her, exactly. It’s more that she scares me. But she’s injured and she needs attention, and so does Frankie. You can’t do both, so I’ll deal with the cat.” Eva glanced at Roxy and smiled. “Sometimes it’s good to face the things that scare you.”

James walked into the room holding a tearful Mia. “If you all take yourselves off and stop tramping glass around, I can clear this place up.”

“Bad man,” Mia sobbed. “Bad man shouty.”

“He’s gone, honey. You’re safe.” James stroked her back and Mia hugged him tightly and covered him in kisses.

“James horsey.”

“Later.” He unpeeled her arms from his neck and handed her to Roxy. “Take her for a walk in the park. Give me a couple of hours. I want to make sure there’s not a speck of glass left in this place. Don’t want her to hurt herself. Or you.”

Roxy stood on tiptoe and kissed him.

Color spread across his cheeks. “What was that for?”

“For coming when I called you. And for caring about my daughter.”

Matt suspected that James cared about more than just Roxy’s daughter, but he didn’t say anything.