What had she done?

“I should be going.” Gina peeled herself away from Frankie. “I just wanted you to know that I’ll be moving in with Brad so I have a new address.”

Frankie was barely listening. “Who is Brad?”

“He owns the restaurant where Dev and I ate all the time. He saw how upset I was and offered me a room. Don’t look at me like that, Francesca.” She sniffed and took another tissue from the box. “I’ve finally learned my lesson. This is temporary.”

Until the next person came along, Frankie thought.

Matt must have seen something in her face because he put the coffee down and walked across the room.

“I’ll call you a cab, Gina.”

“Oh, Matt. Always so strong and protective. I wish we could clone you.” Her mother stood up and picked up her purse. “I’ll be in touch, Frankie.”

“Yes.” Frankie’s lips felt numb. All of her felt numb.

The happy, euphoric feeling had evaporated. It was as if her mother had crawled inside her head and stamped all over her dreams.

Relationships went wrong. It was a fact of life. Even Matt couldn’t argue with that.

And when it went wrong she’d lose all this. Every single thing that mattered to her.

How would she cope with it?

She’d be so much worse off than she’d been before, because she wouldn’t even have Matt’s friendship and she couldn’t imagine how bleak her life would look without him in it.

She sat, immobilized by her own dark thoughts.

She heard the door open and close, and then came the sound of Matt’s footsteps on the wooden floor.

Still, she didn’t move. Said nothing until he dropped into a crouch in front of her.

“Talk to me.”

What was she supposed to say? She looked at him, her brain so infected by panic she couldn’t think straight. “What about?”

“I want to know what she said to you. Every word.” He was steady and calm. “And I want to know what you’re thinking.”

“I’m thinking that you should be with Eva.” The misery rolled over her like the tide enveloping a beach. A strand of hair flopped over her eyes but she didn’t even bother pushing it away. “She’s romantic like you. She thinks people mate for life, like ducks as she always says. You should go swim in the pond with her.”

“There’s only one thing wrong with that plan.” Gently, he tucked the misbehaving strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m not in love with Eva.”

“You should be. She’s perfect for you. The pair of you could dance off into the sunset, tripping over happy-ever-afters for the rest of your life, singing like a couple of fairy-tale characters with little blue birds fluttering everywhere.”

“The person who is perfect for you is the person you’re in love with.” Matt’s thumb stroked gently over her cheek. “That’s you, Frankie.”

She couldn’t breathe.

Was he saying—?

Did he mean—?

Now it was her heart that was fluttering. “Don’t say that, Matt.” Her voice cracked. If she’d felt panic before, she felt terror now. “Don’t spoil everything.” She felt as if she was poised on the edge of a cliff and he was about to push her off.

“How does telling you that I love you spoil everything?” His tone hadn’t changed but there was a tension in the air that hadn’t been there before. “I know I haven’t said it until now, but I thought you’d guessed how I felt.”

“I didn’t—” The panic was lodged in her throat. “I can’t. You’re crazy.”