“Oops.” She buried her face in Matt’s chest. “This is embarrassing.”

He grinned. “Honey, this is New York City. The most romantic destination on the planet. The department of tourism will thank us.”

And he kissed her again, until happiness rippled through her and the last rays of the sun set over Central Park.


I’m grateful to all my wonderful readers. So many of you take time to email and chat to me on Facebook, and your kind comments and supportive messages always make my day. To those of you who take the time to leave reviews and post about my books on social media—thank you a million times. It really helps! To all the wonderful bloggers who are always so kind, enthusiastic and vocal about my books, I’m so grateful for your time, energy and support.

Seeing my books on sale around the world is a dream come true for me, made real by the team at Harlequin, who has always encouraged me to write whatever story excited me. I’m fortunate to have such fantastic support from my publisher.

I definitely struck lucky the day I was given Flo Nicoll as my editor. Working with her is such fun, and I’m thankful for the vision, patience and enthusiasm she displays as we work together on each book.

I’m grateful to my agent, Susan Ginsburg, and the team at Writers House for everything they do.

I have the best family in the world and I’m continually grateful for their unwavering support. You’re the best!

Hopeless romantic Eva Jordan loves everything about Christmas. She might be spending the holidays alone this year, but when she’s given an opportunity to house-sit a spectacular penthouse on Fifth Avenue she leaps at the chance. What better place to celebrate than in snow-kissed Manhattan? What she doesn’t expect is to find the penthouse still occupied by its gorgeous—and mysterious—owner …

Read on for an extract from MIRACLE ON 5TH AVENUE by Sarah Morgan’s

Eva held her breath and then heard another noise—this one definitely inside the apartment. It sounded like a footstep. A stealthy footstep … as if the owner didn’t want to reveal himself.

She glanced up and saw something move in the shadows up above her.

Fear was sharp and paralyzing.

She’d interrupted a break-in. The hows and whys didn’t matter. All that mattered was getting out of here.

The door seemed a long way in the distance.

Could she make it?

Her heart was racing and her palms had turned sweaty.

She wished now that she hadn’t removed her shoes.

She made for the door and at the same time grabbed her phone from her pocket. Her hand was shaking so much she almost dropped it.

She hit the emergency button, heard a woman say, “911 Emergency,” and tried to whisper into the phone.

“Help. There’s someone in the apartment.”

“You’ll have to speak up, ma’am.”

The door was there. Right there.

‘There’s someone in the apartment.’ She needed to get downstairs to the doorman—Albert. He’d—

A hand clamped over her mouth and before Eva could utter a squeak she’d landed on her back on the floor, crushed by the hard weight of a powerful male body.

The man pinned her. One of his hands was still across her mouth and the other gripped her wrists with brutal strength.

Holy crap.

If she could have screamed she would have done, but she couldn’t open her mouth.

She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe—although, bizarrely, her senses were still sufficiently alert for her to realize that her attacker smelled really good.