“I have a lot of years to catch up on. But I could point out that you’re the one ripping at my clothes.”

“I know.” He groaned and shoved her jeans down her legs. “Any chance you could wear a dress with no underwear?”

“I’ll think about it.” She was breathless, her hand clamped behind his head as she urged his mouth down to hers.

He kissed her and lifted her at the same time, feeling her gasp against his lips as her back hit the cold of the door.

“Matt—” She was soft, tempting and unbelievably sexy and he’d never known feelings so intense.

He drove i

nto her, his hands clamped on her hips and his mouth on hers. He heard her soft moan and felt the bite of her fingers in his shoulders as she tried to angle herself to meet each thrust. But like this, she was helpless. He controlled her and it was insanely erotic, the slick velvet heat enclosing the length of him. And then he felt the first ripples of her orgasm, each intimate movement of her body connecting with his.

Her grip on his shoulders tightened and he felt his vision darken as the intensity of her orgasm sent him crashing over the edge, too.

Recovery took a while and it was later, much later, after they’d showered together and exchanged more kisses under the cooling spray of water, that they took their drinks up to the roof terrace.

Sprawled on the soft cushions, they looked out over the night skies of Manhattan.

Matt reached for the beers he’d brought up with them. “To us.” He used the word intentionally, and saw her gaze lift to his. He wondered if she was going to challenge him, but she didn’t.

“To us.” There was only the briefest hesitation in her voice and he pulled her against him and they lay together watching the twinkling lights of the buildings around them.

“I love New York City.”

“Me, too. But I saw a different side to Puffin Island this weekend. And I forgot how lovely your parents are.”

“Paige and I are lucky. When I was growing up, half of my friends used to find an excuse to loiter in my kitchen so that they could talk to my mother. She’s pretty wise.”

Frankie was silent. “Matt, that thing I told you—”

“You don’t need to worry. Everything that happens between us, stays between us.”

“I know. And I trust you.” She relaxed against him. “This is the first time in my life someone has known everything there is to know about me. It’s the first time I’ve ever been truly me with anyone.”

“And how does it feel?”

“It feels good. Turns out I like the fact that you know me. It means I can relax. And I know you, too.” She turned her head to look at him. “Unless you’re hiding some great secret you need to share with me?”

Matt didn’t answer.

He did have a secret. He had one hell of a secret, but he wasn’t ready to share it. It was far, far too soon. He was afraid that if he gave her any indication of his true feelings, he’d drive her away.

And there was no way he was risking that.

“I don’t have anything I need to share.”

Chapter Sixteen

All you need is love. And chocolate.


On Monday Frankie was back in the Urban Genie offices. When they’d started the business and realized that it was impossible working at home on the kitchen table, Jake had given them a corner of the impressive glass building that housed his company. So far no one saw any reason to change that.

“So tell us everything.” Eva planted herself in front of Frankie’s desk.

“Everything?” Frankie slid her phone into the drawer to hide the text she’d just had from Matt. “I’m not the sort of person who tells people everything.”