Paige knew they were trying to defuse the tension between her and Jake, but she didn’t have the energy to join in. For once she didn’t care what Ryan Gosling was doing.

All she could think about was Jake.

They were halfway through When Harry Met Sally when he stood up.

And took off his shirt.

Matt choked on his tequila and Frankie adjusted her glasses.

“Eat your heart out, Ryan.”

Paige’s mouth dried. His body was ripped, but she already knew that of course because she’d had her hands all over it. “What are you doing?”

“I’m doing whatever it takes to get your attention, and right now it seems that this is what it takes. In those movies you love so much, a guy usually rips off his shirt in the final scene and makes a total fool of himself in public.”

Eva whistled and reached for popcorn. “Great abs. Did you think of auditioning for Magic Mike?”

Paige didn’t say anything. She was focused on Jake. And he was focused on her.

Only on her.

His eyes were steel gray, his gaze intense. “There are things I need to say to you.”

Frankie stood up quickly, dragging a reluctant Eva to her feet and knocking a couple of cushions to the floor in the process. “We’re out of here.”

“Why?” He stopped them. “Whatever I say, Paige will tell you, so you might as well hear it firsthand.”

“Sounds good to me.” Eva sat down again, but Frankie looked horrified.

“If it’s private—”

“There is no such thing as ‘private’ between the three of you. And I don’t have a problem with that. I think it’s great that the three of you have that close bond.” Jake shook his head as Matt stood up. “You might as well stay, too. That way, you can decide if you need to beat me to a pulp or not.”

“This is romantic movie night,” Paige said. “No one beats anyone to a pulp on romantic movie night. And we still have one more movie to go.” She didn’t want to do this. She wasn’t ready for this conversation.

“Is it Sleepless in Manhattan? Do you have that one?”

Paige swallowed. “I think you mean Sleepless in Seattle.”

“No, I don’t. Sleepless in Manhattan is a different story.” His gaze held hers. “Do you want to know how that one ends?”


“The guy is an idiot, pretty much like the guys in all these movies you love. He’s slow to work out what he really wants and it takes him a while and he needs a little help from his friends to sort out his priorities.” His tone was commanding and he held out his hand to Paige. “Stand up.”

“What? I don’t think—”

“I said, stand up.”

Eva shivered. “I know it’s not politically correct to say so, but I love a strong man.”

“If you don’t keep quiet I’ll wring your neck,” Frankie muttered. “Then you’ll know strong.”

Paige was trapped by the look in Jake’s eyes. Her heart was pounding. “You want me to run and jump into your arms like they

just did on the screen? Because if you lose your balance I’ll tumble down three floors and land on my butt in Brooklyn. It won’t be pretty.”

“Just this once, could you actually do as you’re told? Is it too much to ask?” He leaned forward and tugged her to her feet. “The first time I saw you, you were sitting in that damn hospital bed trying to hide how scared you were. I decided then you were the bravest person I’d ever met.”