Matt opened his mouth and closed it again. “I’d say go for it. And then I’d get ready for a phone call from the NYPD.”

Paige took her ice cream back from Frankie. “So if you didn’t kill Jake, what did you do?”

“I told him he was an idiot.” Matt sounded tired and she felt a twinge of guilt.

“For not telling you the truth?”

“No. For not wanting what you were offering.”

She felt a rush of love for her brother, closely followed by guilt. “He wanted to tell you, right from the

start. I was the one who begged him not to. I put him in an impossible position.” And that still worried her. “I don’t want to damage your friendship.”

“Friendship isn’t something you switch on and off when things get tough. Are things different? Yeah, I guess they are. But we’re figuring it out. We’re all figuring it out.”

Matt was right, this wasn’t just about her.

Paige made a decision. “I’ll talk to him. Make sure he knows he doesn’t have to avoid us. I still want to have our evenings at Romano’s and movie nights up on the roof terrace.”

“Are you sure? If seeing him is going to hurt you—” Matt eyed her and cleared his throat. “Of course. If that’s what you want.”

“It is.”

Matt glanced at his watch. “I have to go. I have an early meeting tomorrow and you should get some sleep.” He hesitated. “Movie night tomorrow? We can make it chick flick night if you like. A romance marathon. Whatever. Your choice. We can order in pizza. Eva can have a night off from cooking.”

The last thing she felt like doing was watching romantic movies. It was ironic that Matt, who had never suggested it before, would suggest it now.


On the other hand, was there anything that could make her feel worse than she already did? Probably not, and part of her was touched that her brother had suggested it when she suspected he’d hate every moment.

“Sure.” She pinned a smile on her face. “Why not.”

Frankie put her ice cream down. “You’re seriously offering to host a romantic movie marathon for two emotional women and one emotionally stunted woman? You really do have a guilty conscience.”

Eva looked interested. “Define marathon.”

“Three movies. You can each pick one. And I get full possession of the bottle of tequila.”

They were all working so hard to distract her and cheer her up that Paige didn’t have the heart to tell them not to bother.

“Three movies. Great.” Her voice was so cheery she wondered if she’d overdone it. “Our choice?”

“Yeah. But no animation.” Matt dug his keys out of his pocket. “And I need to know the titles up front so I can judge the quantity of alcohol necessary for my survival.”

Eva was quietly listing them on her fingers. “I’m not sure I can pick three.”

“You’re only allowed to pick one,” Paige reminded her. “One each.”

“While You Were Sleeping,” Eva said, and Frankie looked horrified.

“That’s a Christmas movie. This is summer.”

“It’s romantic. And optimistic. Sandra Bullock is adorable and the bit where the guy gives her the ring at the end is the Best Proposal Ever.”

“It’s the Most Unbelievable Proposal Ever.”

“Not true.”