“He didn’t fight, but he was worried about all the things you’re worried about. That I’m vulnerable, that he’d hurt me—” she swallowed “—and I told him all the things I’m always telling you. That I’m an adult. I don’t need to be protected.”

“I know you.” Matt gave her a long look. “You want love and happy endings. Jake doesn’t do that. He dates a different woman every week. He can’t offer you the type of relationship you want and deserve.”

She didn’t point out that what they’d had together had already lasted more than a week. “This is my business, Matt.”

“He will hurt you.” Matt’s voice was raw. “He will screw you, and then leave you just like he does with all women because he doesn’t want attachment. He’s done it before. The difference is that I didn’t care about it before, because it wasn’t my sister he was banging. He will break your heart, Paige.”

How could she argue with that when her chest already felt as if it had split in two?

Across the room, Jake’s eyes met hers. “Get dressed, Paige. This is for Matt and I to sort out.”

That comment lit the fuse on her temper. “I don’t see how our relationship is something for you to sort out with my brother. In case you’ve forgotten, I’m naked under this towel, Jake, and I took my clothes off all by myself.”

Jake dragged his hand over the back of his neck and her brother gave a low growl.

“Ask him how he sees your future.” Matt’s tone was thick. “Ask him how long he thinks you’ll be together.”

She already knew the answer to that.

“We’re not together. Not anymore. It’s over.” She managed to say it calmly, grateful that she’d cried herself dry in the shower. “I was about to leave when you showed up.”

“Leaving?” Matt’s gaze shifted to the pile of clothes in her arms, and then returned to her face, paying attention for the first time. “Your eyes are red. Have you been crying? Damn it, he made you cry?”

She saw her brother clench his hands into fists and spoke quickly. “It wasn’t his fault.”

Matt made a derisive sound. “Don’t tell me—you told him you loved him and he ended it. That’s normal Romano operating procedure.”

“My business, Matt.”

“If he’s upset you, it’s my business.”

“No, it isn’t. If I’m upset, then that’s my problem and I’ll deal with it.”

“And you are upset.” His gaze was steady, his mouth grim. “You’re in love with him.”

“Yes! I’m in love with him. I’m not denying that.”

“And he doesn’t love you back. That’s why you’re crying.” Matt’s face was white, and he turned to Jake with a low growl of anger. “You made a promise to me. All those years ago, you promised you wouldn’t touch my sister. Or maybe you’ve forgotten.”

Paige frowned.

What was he talking about?

“Wait a minute—”

“I haven’t forgotten.” Jake’s tone was flat. “I’ve never forgotten.”

Paige shook her head, trying to clear the clouds of misery so that she could think straight. “What promise? I don’t understand.”

The two men were nose to nose, as if they’d forgotten her presence.

Matt jabbed his finger into Jake’s chest. “She was in love with you. We both knew that, and you promised you wouldn’t do anything about it.”

Paige glanced between the two of them, the words slowly sinking in.

All the pieces finally falling into place.

“Oh, my God.” She faced Jake; her voice was barely a whisper. “The two of you talked about me? You made a promise to him?”