“There’s nothing to talk about. Maria is my mother and she’s been my mother since I was six years old. I don’t have room for another mother in my life, particularly not one who made it clear she didn’t want me. Anyway, can you imagine having two mothers?” He shuddered. “Two women asking you when you’re going to settle down and give them grandchildren. Spare me that.” He rose to his feet and reached out his hand. “Let’s walk. And then we should probably go home, because tonight I’m cooking you dinner.”

She let him pull her to her feet, wishing she could heal all the hurt. She had scars on the outside but Jake’s were no less significant just because they weren’t visible. “You cook?”

“Hey, I was raised by an Italian woman. Once you’ve tasted my lasagna you’re going to beg for more.” He hauled her against him and kissed her. “And that’s not the only thing you’re going to be begging for.”

Back home, Jake opened wine and cooked dinner while she watched. It felt easy and natural to be in his apartment, watching while he wandered barefoot around his spectacular kitchen.

“This was one of the first dishes my mother taught me.” He chopped, diced, fried and eventually layered everything into the shallow dish.

“That’s impressive.” She helped clear up as he cooked. “You look like a professional chef.”

“You’d better taste it before you give your opinion. Does your mother cook?”

“Yes. We had a home-cooked meal every day the whole time I was growing up. And because Puffin Island was small, I used to go home for lunch when I was at school.”

“What was your favorite meal?”

“That’s easy. Lobster bake on the beach.” She sipped the glass of wine he’d poured her. “We used to sit with our toes in the sand, watching the sun go down. Bliss.”

They talked, swapping stories, learning more about each other, each tiny detail cementing the foundation of their relationship.

When the meal was ready they ate at the table, watching the sun go down over the Hudson.

“Maria taught you well.” Paige put her fork down and stared at her empty plate. “Delicious. So tell me how it went in San Francisco? Did they like what you did for them?”

“Yes. Do you want to see?”

“Do you need to ask?”

He smiled and opened his laptop.

She focused on the screen as he showed her the design. Her brother had always told her how smart Jake was, and since sharing his office she’d seen it for herself. She saw how his team deferred to him, how many potential clients he had calling him up. He never had to cold call anyone. They always came to him.

He had more business than he could handle, and that, she thought, was because he was good at what he did. The best.

She needed to make sure Urban Genie gained the same reputation.

For the next half an hour he took her through the design and showed her what it could do.

“Jake, this is incredible.” She explored it, fascinated. “It’s going to transform their business.”

“They think so, too.” He closed the laptop. “I’m glad you approve. I keep forgetting I’m dating Geek Girl. It’s pretty cool.”

“I am not Geek Girl. I am Incredibly Hot Girl who just happens to love technology.”

“You’re Geek Girl. I don’t suppose you could wear glasses while we have sex?”

“Would it make me sexier?”

“Nothing would make you sexier.” He pulled her onto his lap and she grinned.

“Careful with the hardware.”

“I love your hardware.” He slid his hand down her body. “Your software isn’t bad, either.”

“Is this Geek sex?” She murmured the words against his mouth. “It’s like phone sex only—geeky. Is that a USB stick I can feel pressing against me?”

He laughed. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met.”