Neither of them moved. They stood, locked against the door, lost in their own private world of steamy desire. And then she felt his hand slide to her thigh, urging it upward. She curled her leg around his back, her eyes still fixed on his.

His first thrust brought a cry to her lips, and he crushed her mouth with his, swallowing the sound so that all that was left was sensation. The sensation of him filling her, possessing her, taking everything she had to give until orgasm rushed down on her so fast she had no time to breathe. She heard him curse softly as she tightened around him, felt him thrust deep to counter the seductive ripples of her body, felt the moment when he tipped over the edge.

Then there was only the hot pulse of him, the heat of his mouth and the incredible intimacy that was being with Jake. It felt deeper and more intense than anything she’d ever experienced before.

Maybe it was because she’d known him so long. Wanted him for so long.

Finally he eased away from her and stood for a moment, steadying his breathing, his forehead resting on his arm while with the other arm he held her close.

Her forehead was on his shoulder, and she closed her eyes as she breathed in the scent of him, absorbing every movement and texture. Man and muscle.

“We just had sex in your office.”

“Yes. At the time I wondered if this was a waste of office space but now I’m kind of glad I built it.”

She felt weak and shaky. “I’m glad, too. I’ve never had sex up against a door before.”

He gave a husky laugh and eased away so that he could look at her. “All part of your education.” He lifted his head and stroked his fingers over her face in a gesture that was both possessive and intimate. “Are you all right?”

“I think so. Although I can’t believe we just did that.” She’d had sex with Jake in his office. Standing up. “Or maybe you do it all the time.”

“Never. I’m starting to think sharing office space with you might not have been such a great idea.” His voice wasn’t quite steady, and he released her and gently smoothed her dress down.

“You said you had something to show me.” She tried to sound normal, as if being with him hadn’t just rocked her world. “Was that it?”

He stared at her blankly, and then his expression cleared. “No, that wasn’t it. I built you an app.”

She was touched and more than a little excited. “You did?”

“Yeah, I was going to show it to you but I got distracted. I blame you.”

“You could show it to me now.”

“Or I could wait until Monday and show it to all three of you.” He lowered his head and kissed her again. “The weekend has started. Work can wait.”

“I don’t want to wait. I want you to show me the app.”

“I’ll show you over dinner.”

“Now? It’s late.”

“That must be why I’m so hungry.” His smile was wickedly sexy. “And this is Manhattan. There is no such thing as late. There’s this fantastic Greek place around the corner. Stays open until all hours.”

“Does your mother know you eat Greek?”

“My mother doesn’t know half the things I do.” He took Paige’s hand and led her out of the office, winding past empty desks to the elevator.

They descended to the street in a silent glide of simmering chemistry and leashed sexual desire. Her heart gave a little flutter. She didn’t think she made a sound, but she must have done because he sent her a searing glance that raised the temperature of the enclosed space by several degrees. She looked away quickly, knowing that if she didn’t they’d end up having sex in the elevator.

Somehow they made it to street level, and then she felt the light brush of his hand on her back as they walked two blocks to the restaurant.

Despite the hour, it was crowded. A small, friendly crowd inhabiting an intimate space filled with delicious smells and sounds that transported her straight to the Mediterranean.

Jake waved aside the menus, ordered for both of them and then pulled out his tablet computer. “Get ready to be blown away.”

His enthusiasm made her smile. “I’m ready. And, by the way, I can order my own food.”

“I know you can, but I eat here all the time and I know what’s good. Move closer.” He tugged at her chair. “See this? This is your app.”