Because he couldn’t wait another moment to touch her, he dropped his hand to her leg and discovered that her thigh was bare.

“Someone asked me today if we have a website,” Eva said. “I guess we need one. Something that says what we do. What do you think, Jake?”

He couldn’t think of anything except Paige and the smooth softness of her skin. He moved his fingers higher.

What was she wearing? Shorts? A skirt that barely skimmed her bottom?

His brain fused.

Matt raised his eyebrows. “No thoughts?”

“Thoughts?” He was incapable of thoughts. He was going crazy. He couldn’t form a sentence. “On what?” He glanced down.

Skirt, he thought. It was a skirt. But there wasn’t much of it.

She had incredible legs.

“A website.” Matt gave him a curious look. “What’s wrong with you?”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind.” Paige. Naked. Those long legs wrapped around him. Those were the things on his mind. “What’s the problem?”

Paige took a sip of her drink. “The problem is that we’re having to field all these calls, and some of them are for small tasks. Dry cleaning and things like that. We’re getting no work done because we’re answering the phone all the time. We need to filter calls from clients.”

Frankie twisted spaghetti around her fork. “Maybe we need a receptionist.”

Jake forced himself to concentrate. “What you need,” he said, “is an app.”

“Why do we need an app?”

He could feel Paige looking at him but he kept his eyes on his plate. If he looked at her, he was pretty sure he’d kiss her and hang the consequences. “You’re a genie, aren’t you?” Hopefully humor would cover up his clumsy approach. “People are going to want to rub your lamp.” He dug his fork into his pasta.

“That’s not such a stupid idea.” Matt reached for his beer. “Could you do that for her?”

Jake swallowed the food in his mouth before it choked him. “Do what for her?”

“Design the app,” Matt said patiently. “What is wrong with you?”

“I’m hungry. I can’t think when I’m hungry.” And he couldn’t think with Paige’s bare thigh pressed against his. He contemplated making some excuse. Vanishing to the men’s room, and then taking a seat on the other side of the table when he returned.

“You want me to take your sister on as a client? You’re kidding. I’d rather rub my flesh with an armadillo.”

Frankie grinned, but Paige made a little sound of protest. “I’m great to work with.”

He kept his eyes on his plate. “You’re a control freak, Paige.”

“I’m a perfectionist.” She hesitated. “Although I admit there are times when I like to be in charge. You’re not afraid of strong women, are you, Jake?”

He thought of her, riding him lightly, that wicked smile on her face.

“There’s strong and there’s controlling. You can’t even order food in a restaurant without wanting to go and cook it for yourself.”

“I like things the way I like them. What’s wrong with that?”

“Nothing. Except that I also like things the way I like them. You and I together would be a fast road to frustration.” It would also be a fast road to sexual oblivion. He knew. He’d already taken that road. “I don’t want to work with you. I might kill you. But I can give you some tips.”

Matt frowned. “Are you seriously refusing to help my baby sister?”

Baby? Baby?