He pressed her back against the wall, slid his hands up her bare thighs and felt her strain against him.

“I missed you,” he murmured.

“You were gone for two days.”

“It was too long.” He stroked between her legs and felt her gasp against his mouth. “You want me, too.”


Who knew how far that kiss would have gone, but then there was a clatter from the kitchen, interspersed with colorful Italian swearing.

Paige pulled away, eyes wide.

They stared at each other, gazes locked, and then it occurred to him that if they didn’t go back to the table soon, someone would come looking for them.

He moved his hand. Reluctantly he stepped away from her. “We need to get back. What are you doing this weekend?”

“I— Nothing. Working, I guess.”

“Spend it with me.”

He couldn’t believe he’d said it.

He’d never spent an entire weekend with a woman. Two consecutive days.

Paige smiled. “That sounds good. What do you want to do?”

“You need to ask?”


If you think love is the answer, you’re probably asking the wrong question.


“ARE YOU JOINING us this weekend?” Frankie closed down her laptop and stood up. “Eva and I are taking a picnic to Central Park tomorrow.”

Paige shook her head. “I need to work.”

Frankie gave her a long look. “Does your ‘work’ have rock-hard biceps, a very sexy smile and run this place?”

Euphoria mixed with anxiety. “Do you think I’m crazy?”

“Honestly? Yeah, I do.” Frankie slipped her laptop into her bag. “I’m fond of Jake, but the guy is a notorious player.”

“I’m playing, too. I’m having fun.”

“Are you? Because that’s great, as long as you don’t fall in love with him.”

Paige felt her whole body tense. “I won’t.”

“Are you sure? Because this is the fourth weekend in a row you’ve spent with him and if you’re dreaming of carriages and white dresses, that’s not Jake.”

“I know that’s not Jake. I’ve known him longer than you have.”

“Yeah, the difference is that I haven’t been in love with him for most of my life.” Frankie stuffed a thick pile of papers into her bag and Paige swallowed.

“I’m not—maybe I was once, but not now and—”