“Yes, I can,” Frankie said flatly. “Like I said, love is a cryptic crossword.”

Paige took a deep breath. “I don’t want it to be cryptic. I’m going to tell Jake how I feel. I’m going to tell him I love him.”

Eva exchanged glances with Frankie. “How do you think he’ll react?”

“I don’t know.” She thought about the time they’d spent together. About the times they’d laughed and the hours they’d spent talking.

Urban Genie wouldn’t exist if it hadn’t been for Jake.

He was the one who had pushed her to take the step and follow her dream.

He knew her better than anyone.

“I think he loves me, too, but if he doesn’t, then I’ll handle it.” She’d handled it before, hadn’t she? Not very deftly, perhaps, but

she’d got on with her life. “I don’t want to look back and wish I’d told him. That would be the worst thing of all.”

If she was going to live life bravely, she needed to start right away.

* * *

JAKE PROWLED AROUND the pool table in Matt’s den, staking out his shot.

“Anytime in the next century would be good.” Matt snapped the top off a beer and handed it to Chase. “I hear you bought a new boat?”

“I did, and she’s a beauty.”

“Is she going to sit in the dock while you admire her or are you going to get her wet?”

“I’m going to sail her.” Chase lifted the beer to his lips. “I’ve had what you might call a realignment of my priorities.”

Matt lifted an eyebrow. “Did Matilda have something to do with that realignment?”

“She might have.”

“More evidence that women are dangerous creatures.” Jake took the shot and pocketed the ball. “One minute you’re having fun. The next, life as you know it is over.” Which was why one of his skills was in ending relationships. He’d learned how to pick the perfect time, before emotions were involved. That was why he always kept his relationships short.

Except with Paige.

He frowned.

There was no way he could describe his relationship with Paige as short.

But they’d been friends for a long time, which complicated the math.

And she was different. She understood him. She understood that he didn’t do hearts and happy endings.

“I happen to prefer my new life to my old one,” Chase said mildly. “Matilda is more fun than a sixteen-hour working day.”

“You should bring her over one night.” Matt prepared for his turn. “The girls have talked about her a lot. They were worried.”

“She talked about them, too.” Chase drank. “She thinks Paige has what it takes to make a big success of this.”

“She does. She’s incredible.” Jake saw Matt glance at him and shrugged. “What? Your sister can juggle more balls than an acrobat and her attention to detail is astonishing. She stresses out a bit, that’s all. Keeps her phone by the bed and makes notes in the middle of the night.”

Matt gave him a curious look. “How do you know she keeps her phone by the bed?”

“She told me.” Jake covered his mistake smoothly. “We share an office, remember?”