The other woman grinned. “I’m starting to understand why Jake gave you office space here. You fit right in.”

Paige carried on working until her head throbbed, and then finally switched off her laptop.

It was almost midnight and she appeared to be the last person in the building.

Jake’s team frequently worked until the early hours but she knew that at the moment lots of them were in the San Francisco office preparing for a major pitch.

Yawning, she grabbed her purse and walked out of the office she shared with Eva and Frankie.


Jake’s voice came from behind her, deep and sure. She felt a rush of excitement closely followed by exhilaration.

Hauling her feelings behind a mask of indifference, she turned. “Hi. I didn’t realize you were still here. It’s late.”

“It’s midnight. That means it’s the weekend. And we have a date.”

“I assumed that started tomorrow.”

“It’s starting right now. I’ve been working all week and so have you. Come into my office. I have something to show you.”

The look in his eyes made her heart race.

“I’ve already seen it. Pretty impressive in fact.”

He laughed. “That’s not the only thing I have that’s impressive.”

She raised an eyebrow. “Now I’m intrigued.” She stepped over the threshold of his office and he closed the door behind her.

“It’s been a long week.” His eyes were dark, fathomless pools and Paige felt her heart beat faster.


He slid his hand behind her neck and lowered his forehead to hers. “I came looking for you earlier on today and you were on the phone to a client. Otherwise I would have pinned you to the desk and done indecent things to you.” His voice was thickened. “What does that say about me?”

“It says you’re a risk taker and that you have no respect for office furniture.”

“And how about you—” His mouth hovered dangerously close to hers. “Are you a risk taker, too?”

She hooked her finger into the front of his shirt. “I think I might be.”

He lowered his head and kissed her, his hands in her hair, his mouth hot and demanding. She melted into him and with a groan he powered her back across the office until her shoulders hit a wall.

He fumbled behind her, opened a door she hadn’t even realized was there and pushed her through.

Dimly she registered smooth counters and more doors. “What is this place?”

Without releasing his hold on her he pushed the door closed, trapping them inside. “Storage, dressing room—there’s even a bed in here in case I’m working late but I don’t often use it.”

“A bed?”

“Yeah.” He yanked at her dress, and then she gasped as she felt the warm slide of his hand over her skin, seeking. Finding. And then there was only the skilled stroke of his fingers and the rush of desire that spread through her with delicious, syrupy warmth.


“You’re beautiful.” He kept his mouth on her, kept his hand on her, sending her higher and higher with every intimate brush of his fingers until she moaned and squirmed against him.

She felt the rigid thickness of him straining against her and fumbled with his zip until she freed him.