‘Because you’d clearly planned your life without me.’

‘Because that was how you wanted it!’

They were both shouting, emotions running high, oblivious to the fact that they had an audience. A highly entertained audience. Polly glanced at Glenda.

‘Time for us to leave, I think,’ she muttered, and Glenda grinned.

‘Can we listen at the door?’

They slipped out of the room, unnoticed.

‘Why would I have wanted it?’ He paced the floor again. ‘What we had was amazing. I’ve never had that with anyone before.’

Her heart jammed in her throat. ‘I’m not your sort of woman.’

‘What’s that supposed to mean?’

‘You don’t want me. I’m not girly and I can’t cook.’

‘I don’t give a damn whether you can cook.’ He frowned, confused. ‘I can cook perfectly well myself and if I can’t be bothered then Hilda’s always standing in the wings. I don’t see what your lack of skills in the kitchen has got to do with our relationship.’

‘You want a traditional woman. I’m not who you want.’

‘Damn it, Riggs! Haven’t you heard a single word I’ve said?’ He strode towards her and grabbed her by the arms, shaking her slightly. ‘You are exactly who I want. I love you. I want to be with you. I know you don’t love me back, but I can still be a decent partner in the practice.’

‘You love me?’

His hands dropped. ‘That’s what I said.’

‘Why didn’t you say that you loved me before now?’

‘Because I’m not some sort of masochist, and you made it perfectly clear that my feelings aren’t returned. That I’m not your type—or in your plans.’

Anna shook her head, feeling slightly dizzy. ‘They are returned. I love you, too.’

‘You stride around here making plans for my replacement while I’m still in your bed, and you—’ He broke off and stared at her. ‘What did you say? That last thing—what did you say?’

‘I said I love you.’ She tried hard to breathe normally. ‘And if I talked about your replacement, it was only because you never once mentioned the fact that you were tempted to stay on.’

He was still staring. ‘I don’t think we’ve been communicating very well.’

‘Possibly not.’

‘We’re probably going to have to work on that.’


He slid a hand into his pocket. ‘This partnership. Are you willing to make it permanent?’

She stared at the box in his hand. ‘Is that what I think it is?’

‘Yes.’ He opened the box and lifted the ring out.

She gasped and covered her mouth with her hand. ‘It’s stunning.’

He took her hand. ‘Will you marry me?’

She blinked back tears as he slid the ring onto her finger. ‘If you’re willing to risk the fact that I might poison you in the kitchen.’