Of course, part of him was telling him to run a mile. Anna would be no man’s idea of a gentle, compliant partner. She’d be snapping and fighting all the way. He had no doubt that even during sex she’d have an opinion. And she’d probably waste no time in expressing it.

The prospect heated his blood to a dangerous level. The need he felt was so powerful, so all-consuming that he knew it was just a matter of time. It was when, not whether. And he sensed it was the same for her. He doubted that either of them would hold out for long.


‘YOU’RE both famous.’ Glenda made them both a cup of tea the following morning when they appeared for surgery. ‘Your rescue has been shown on every news bulletin since last night. Amazing.’

Anna took the tea with a smile of thanks, carefully avoiding Sam’s eye. She’d seen the bulletin and winced at the footage of her and Sam. She’d never realised that her black costume was so revealing.

‘They’ll incorporate a longer version when the programme goes out,’ Sam told Glenda, handing her a pile of papers. ‘I ran these off the internet for you. Have a read and see what you think. How’s your mother doing today?’

‘She’s so much better.’ Glenda settled herself behind her desk and flicked on the computer. ‘I’ve labelled everything in the sitting-room and put the phone next to her, and I followed your idea of sticking my picture next to the speed dial so that she can remember which button to press if she wants me.’

Anna lifted her head. ‘You’re full of good ideas, Sam.’

‘I certainly am.’ His eyes locked with hers. ‘You ought to try some of them some time.’

She swallowed. Why was it that she was suddenly so aware of every single inch of him? There’d been a time, not that many days before, when all she’d wanted to do when she’d laid eyes on Sam had been to pick a fight. Now, suddenly, she just wanted to strip him naked.

Glenda reached for the keys. ‘I’ll unlock that front door if you’re ready.’

Sam’s eyes didn’t leave Anna’s. ‘I’m ready. How about you?’

She knew what he was asking and suddenly she couldn’t speak. Aware that Glenda was staring at her curiously, she licked her lips. ‘I think I’m probably ready, too.’

Sam’s mouth moved into a smile of raw, masculine satisfaction. ‘Glad to hear it, Riggs.’

Glenda frowned at them. ‘Is something going on that I don’t know about?’

‘Nothing.’ Anna’s voice sounded raspy and she cleared her throat and glanced at her watch. ‘We need to get going. We’ve got a busy day and the beach barbecue tonight.’

Glenda nodded, her eyes sparkling. ‘I’m certainly going. I’ve got a girl staying the night to keep an eye on Mum and I intend to enjoy myself.’

Anna grinned. ‘And who with, exactly? Would this be the same “friend” you saw the other night?’

Glenda’s colour deepened. ‘It might be. I presume you’re both going?’

Sam suppressed a yawn. ‘I’m supposed to be doing a piece to camera about holiday night-life. The perils of enjoying yourself. Too much alcohol and unprotected sex. That type of thing.’

Glenda giggled naughtily. ‘I know quite a few people in this village who could star in that.’

Anna gave a reluctant laugh. ‘You’re both terrible. And, Sam, you should concentrate on the teenagers. You wouldn’t believe how many I have in here after parties on the beach. For goodness’ sake, talk about safe sex. It’s definitely a subject to address in our new clinic.’

Glenda hurried off to open the doors and Sam turned to Anna.

‘And when I’ve finished my piece to camera,’ he said softly, ‘you and I have some business to sort out, Riggs. And this time we’re doing it my way.’

She stared at him, hypnotised by the look in his eyes. ‘Your way?’

‘Your way hasn’t worked and I haven’t had an undisturbed night’s sleep for weeks.’ His eyes dropped to her mouth. ‘And it’s only fair to warn you that if you’re planning to argue then you’re going to lose.’

‘I wasn’t planning to argue.’

‘No?’ His mouth curved into a sexy smile. ‘Now, that is a first.’

Anna spent the entire day in a state of heightened awareness. She went through her surgeries and her calls with only half her mind in action, the other half thinking about Sam and the forthcoming evening.

Why shouldn’t they further their relationship? she reasoned.