She could still feel the brush of his hard thigh against hers and her brain was refusing to function. ‘What point?’

‘That it was nothing to do with the dark, the champagne and the atmosphere.’

She slid her arms back into her costume and moved off his lap. ‘We don’t like each other, McKenna.’

His eyes followed her every movement. ‘We could work on that.’

‘We never agree on anything.’

‘I’m willing to say yes to you the minute you ask me the right question.’

She stood up, breathlessly aware of his gaze on her body. ‘We’re going to take a step backwards, McKenna, and try and get a grip on ourselves. We need to stop putting ourselves in the position where this happens. I still think this isn’t a good idea.’

It would complicate her life and she didn’t need complications.

‘Excuse me asking this.’ He spread his arms wide along the rim of the hot tub, the muscles in his shoulders bunching. ‘But exactly which bit doesn’t work for you?’

‘The you and I bit.’ She flicked her hair away from her face. ‘It’s just not— Well, it isn’t what we do.’


She frowned, but met his gaze head on, never one to avoid an issue just because it was uncomfortable. ‘Well, for a start, because it would make things awkward between us.’

‘Awkward? What can be more awkward than walking round in a state of permanent arousal, which is what’s happening to me at the moment?’ The corner of his mouth shifted. ‘Riggs, I’m a grown man, not some emotionally stunted teenager. I can make love to you and still have a civilised working relationship, if that’s what’s bothering you.’

His words had a disturbing effect on her heart rate. ‘You’re only here for the summer.’

‘So?’ He shrugged. ‘We could have fun. Do you know your problem?’

‘I don’t have a problem.’

‘You plan too much. You need to go with the flow. Live a little. Do something on impulse.’


Anna stared at him. The impulse to dive back into the hot tub with him was almost overwhelming.

She sucked in a breath and pulled herself together. ‘It’s the ability to reason and think that distinguishes us from animals, McKenna,’ she said primly, but there was a definite tremor in her voice and he gave a slow grin that churned up her insides more than ever.

‘That must be why you bring out the beast in me.’

‘I need to do this my way.’

‘Fine. You do whatever you need to do to bring your brain and body in line with mine.’ His eyes glittered with serious intent. ‘But do it fast, Riggs, before we both burn up.’

Sam stood under a cold shower and wondered if anyone had ever conducted an experiment into the quantity of icy water required to kill a ravenous libido because his was decidedly out of control.

If Anna hadn’t stopped him, he would have made love to her in the hot tub and he wouldn’t have given a damn if the cameras had been running and the entire village had been watching.

He reached for the shampoo and wondered how long she was going to hold out.

Was she right?

Would it make things awkward between them?

He closed his eyes, let the water rinse the soap from his hair and then reached for a towel, a smile on his face as he contemplated the situation. Things had always been awkward between them. They’d never had a smooth, comfortable relationship. It had always been like walking over rocks in bare feet.

He dried himself, pulled on a pair of clean shorts and stared into the mirror.