Every time they were in a room together the atmosphere sizzled and thrummed and Anna was reaching screaming pitch.

She’d tried to bury sexual frustration in work, concentrating on her patients, helping Glenda, catching up with all the things that she’d been too busy to do with David ill. But none of it worked.

They carried on for a few more days and in the end Sam took control, grabbing Anna by the arm and hauling her into the nearest consulting room.

He closed the door firmly and pushed her against it, one arm planted either side of her head. ‘OK, Riggs, we’ve tried it your way and it isn’t working.’

‘What do you mean, it isn’t working?’

‘You said that if we both ignored it and pretended that it never happened, it would go away.’ He stepped closer to her, pressing her against the door. ‘It hasn’t gone away, Riggs. It’s still there.’

She placed her hands on his chest and struggled to breathe.

‘I don’t know what you mean—’ She didn’t even finish the sentence before his mouth

came down on hers and he showed her exactly what he meant.

The explosion was instant.

Fierce hunger exploded inside her and Anna lifted herself on her toes and pressed herself closer, moaning as he explored her mouth with erotic expertise.

She’d never been kissed like this before.

She’d never felt like this before.

She felt the heat build in her body, felt the powerful throb of his arousal against her and the urgency of his mouth on hers.

Completely forgetting where they were, she gave herself up to sensation. Eyes closed, she breathed in the masculine scent of him, felt the strength and purpose of his hands as he touched her but most of all revelled in the skilled possession of his mouth as he kissed her.

It was only when she felt the cool air brush her exposed breasts that she realised that he’d undone her blouse.

Shocked by how fast things had moved, she placed her hands in the centre of his chest. ‘We’ve got to stop doing this.’ She groaned the words against his mouth and he lifted his head just enough to respond.

‘Or we could carry on.’

‘We can’t do that.’

‘Why not?’ His voice was husky and his eyes roved over her flushed face, revealing a considerable degree of masculine satisfaction.

‘Because sex would complicate things.’

‘We’re both single people.’ He bent his head and kissed her neck, his touch warm and seductive. ‘Who are we hurting?’

She couldn’t reason or concentrate when he was this close. She just knew it wasn’t what she had planned for herself.

She wasn’t ready for a relationship. At least, not yet. And when she was ready it wouldn’t be with a wickedly dangerous man like Sam McKenna. They clashed. They never agreed on anything. He irritated her beyond belief.

But he knew how to kiss and he had the most incredible hands…

She tried to talk sense into herself and failed, mostly because his mouth was still busy seducing hers. She moaned and kissed him back. Did it really matter if they weren’t exactly well matched? If they were totally unsuited in every way except physically? Why shouldn’t they just have some fun? As he had rightly pointed out, who would they be hurting?


SAM stood on the beach and tried to concentrate on what he was supposed to be saying.

James, the sound man, was making various adjustments and Polly was talking to the cameraman. In a moment he was going to have to start talking about holiday health and all he could think about was Anna.

He ran a hand over the back of his neck and the make-up girl sprinted forward with her box of tricks.