The air stilled and her heart skipped a beat. ‘I can’t believe we’re having this conversation. We drive each other crazy, McKenna.’

His eyes darkened. ‘I think we’ve just proved that.’

‘You know what I mean. We don’t even like each other and I need to like a man before I take him to bed. It’s the barest minimum requirement. And we can’t even converse without annoying each other.’

‘Riggs…’ His voice was sexier than a man’s voice had a right to be. ‘At the moment, I’m not thinking about conversation. I’m just thinking about your body in my bed. And more of what we just sampled.’

His words made her stomach flip. Her body in his bed. His body tangled with her body.

His shirt was half undone where she’d dragged at the bottom and she saw the haze of dark hair on his chest. He was a man designed to tempt a woman from the straight and narrow.

And she was tempted. So tempted.

‘We’d regret it in the morning.’

‘I never regret anything I do. It’s a waste of emotion.’

‘Look…’ She scooped her hair away from her face and licked her lips, struggling to be rational. ‘Let’s just admit this was a mistake. We had a nice evening and that’s rare for us. We both drank a bit too much.’

‘I’m stone-cold sober.’

‘We’re going to forget it happened.’ She ignored his soft statement and backed through the door, holding onto the wall for support. Ever since he’d kissed her, her legs didn’t seem to be working that well.

‘Riggs.’ His voice stopped her before she made it to the stairs. ‘What if we can’t forget it happened?’

She paused, her hand curled tightly round the banister for safety. ‘We will.’

They had to.

Otherwise they were in big trouble.


THE following morning the surgery was crowded with patients and Anna was relieved that there was no sign of Sam. She couldn’t face him at the moment. Not until she’d managed to wipe out all memories of that incredible kiss.


Damn. Who would have thought it? It just went to prove that the mind and the body were totally incomprehensible.

‘Glenda rang.’ Hannah, the other receptionist, looked at Anna searchingly, clearly wondering what was wrong with her usually sharp-minded boss. ‘She’s been caught up at home but she’ll be in as soon as possible.’

Anna frowned. Caught up with what? ‘Fine. Do you know what’s wrong, Hannah? Did she say anything?’

Hannah shook her head. ‘No.’ The young girl looked thoughtful. ‘But she didn’t sound herself. And she hung up in a hurry.’

‘OK. Any sign of Dr McKenna?’

‘He phoned just before you arrived to say that he was making one call on his way in and to explain to his patients.’

‘Oh.’ For a moment Anna was annoyed that he hadn’t thought to call her on her mobile and tell her his plans. Then she remembered that she’d gone out of her way to avoid him that morning. She’d showered early, skipped breakfast and sneaked out of the house before she’d heard sounds from his bedroom. Presumably he’d taken the same approach and that was why he hadn’t called her.

Which proved that her plan was the right one. Ignore the whole thing. Pretend it had never happened. They should never have indulged in that kiss and the sooner they both put it behind them and started to act normally again, the better for both of them.

‘OK, Hannah, I’ll get on with my surgery. Let me know when Dr McKenna arrives. If he’s horribly delayed I’ll tuck his patients in between mine.’

Her first patient was Katy, a seventeen-year-old who walked in with her mother. Anna took one look at the teenager’s face and knew this was going to be a difficult consultation.

Sam was right. They needed a clinic for teenagers.