‘That’s right.’ She fought the temptation to lift her fingers to her lips, but his gaze fixed on her mouth was making her tingle. ‘Journals.’

‘No coffee, then.’ His eyes lifted to hers and locked. ‘I’ll see you in the morning.’


Their fingers were still tangled together, still on the light switch, and they both pulled away at the same time, their bodies bumping together as they turned for the door.

‘Hell, Riggs…’ He hauled her against him and brought his mouth down on hers hard, one hand sliding behind her neck and holding her fast.

She fell into his kiss, drowning in the heat and the fire, a dangerous thrill curling upwards from deep inside her. It was hot and frantic and totally out of character, but for a brief moment in time she didn’t care. She didn’t care about the future and she didn’t care about the past. She just wanted now.

She grabbed the front of his shirt to press herself closer, and without lifting his head he backed her against the wall, his kiss impossibly intimate, his hands sliding with sensual purpose up the sides of her body until they rested on her breasts. She felt the cool wall against her back, felt the press of solid muscle and hard, sexy male and closed her eyes.

When he finally dragged his mouth from hers and slid hot kisses down her throat, she gasped for air and struggled to rescue the situation.

‘We should stop this.’ Her eyes stayed closed and a soft gasp escaped from her lips as he jerked the strap of her dress down and trailed kisses over the swell of her breast. ‘McKenna…’ She groaned his name. ‘I said we should stop.’

‘We probably should.’

Her head tilted back as his lips moved lower still. ‘This isn’t a good idea.’

‘Feels pretty good from where I am,’ he murmured hoarsely, straightening and returning his full attention to her swollen mouth. ‘Never thought you’d taste this good, Riggs. Incredible.’

She dragged her eyes open and tried to summon up some of the old feelings of irritation and exasperation. But all she could feel was heat.

She was in big trouble.

‘We really can’t do this. We have to stop.’

‘Good idea.’ His tongue slid into her mouth and he kissed her again. Then he lifted his mouth just enough to speak. ‘We’ll stop. Any minute now, we’re going to stop this. God, you smell good.’ He rubbed his face over her cheek. ‘Have you always smelt this good or have I just not breathed you in before?’

She was aware of every single masculine inch of him, pumped up and virile and so devastatingly sexy that it was almost impossible for her to breathe. The wanting was so powerful that she couldn’t think straight.

‘You’re going to have to stop this, McKenna.’

His mouth played with hers. Teasing. Tantalising. ‘Not sure I can. You taste as good as you smell.’

‘Then we’ll both do it. On three. You move away. I move away.’ She felt his tongue coaxing hers and she groaned and curled her fingers into the hard muscle of his forearms. ‘I said, on three. One, two, three.’

She gave him a shove and he stepped backwards. It gave her some satisfaction to see that his breathing was decidedly unsteady. Hers was, too. If she had a patient in this state she’d be considering medication.

‘OK, well, that worked.’ She lifted the strap of her dress with shaking fingers and raked her tangled hair out of her eyes. She dreaded to think what she looked like but, judging from the look burning in his eyes, she decided it was probably better not to know. ‘I’ll just go to bed…’

He inhaled deeply. ‘Just so that there’s no misunderstanding here—on your own, I presume?’

‘Definitely on my own.’ She backed towards the door, her legs decidedly unsteady. ‘And we’re going to forget this happened.’

He raked long fingers through his already roughened hair. ‘That easy, huh??


‘I didn’t say it was going to be easy,’ she said honestly, ‘just that that is what we’re going to do.’

‘Unless we go with Plan B.’

‘Which is?’

His eyes were on her mouth. ‘We take this to its natural conclusion.’