Duncan made the necessary preparations and then moved closer to the bed. ‘When this contraction has passed I need you to sit on the edge of the bed for me. We’re going to need to work in between contractions, Tia, so if you feel another one coming, warn me.’

Tia did as he instructed, gripping Luca’s hand tightly.

‘All right, Tia.’ Duncan explained what he was doing in a calm voice and in no time at all the epidural was in place and the awful pain was fading to nothing.

‘Does that feel better?’ Luca’s eyes were clouded with concern and she nodded.


‘We’re going to take you through to Theatre now, Tia.’ Dan issued some instructions and Tia closed her eyes as they wheeled her through the swing doors.

Why had this happened to her? Here she was, about to be operated on while she was awake. The thought terrified her!

Sensing her anxiety, Luca spoke quietly to Dan and then settled himself on a stool by Tia’s head and took her hand firmly in his.

‘It’s time we thought of some names,’ he said, his eyes warm as he held hers. ‘Something Italian, of course—Luigi, Leonardo, Gianfranco…’

Despite her nerves Tia smiled, grateful that he was trying to distract her. ‘What if it’s a gir


He gave a sexy grin. ‘I hope it is. I’m better with women.’

And didn’t she just know it!

Ignoring the flash of disquiet that his comment caused, Tia concentrated on thinking of girls’ names, only dimly aware that Dan had started operating. ‘Daisy?’

‘Daisy?’ Luca gave her a horrified look. ‘What sort of a name is Daisy? Is that the best you can come up with?’

‘I think it’s pretty,’ Tia muttered, her eyes rested on Luca’s thick, dark lashes and the hard angle of his cheekbones. ‘Or how about Lily?’

‘What is this preoccupation with flowers?’ For a brief second Luca’s gaze flickered over the green sterile towels to his colleague who gave him a reassuring nod.

‘I like Lily,’ Tia said huskily, starting to relax now that she realised she really couldn’t feel anything.

‘You are feeling all right?’ Luca’s voice was gruff and she gave a slow nod.

‘Yes, surprisingly enough. I can just feel some pulling, but it doesn’t hurt.’

‘I should think not!’ Duncan looked horrified at the mere suggestion that any anaesthetic he administered could be less than perfect. ‘How are you doing there, Dan? Any time in the next ten hours is fine by me.’

Despite the banter, Tia knew that Dan was working quickly and only seconds later there was a slight commotion and Luca straightened up, his features tense as Dan lifted the baby out.

‘Looks like you’ve got your flower, Tia,’ Dan said cheerfully as he handed the baby to Luca. ‘It’s a little girl.’

‘Oh!’ Tia stared, wide-eyed, as Luca held the bawling bundle close to her. ‘Oh, Luca…’

Tears slipped down her cheeks and she looked at the baby in amazement, thinking that she’d never seen anything so beautiful in her life.

‘Can we call her Lily? Please?’ Her voice was choked and for a moment Luca didn’t speak, his dark eyes unusually bright as he held his tiny daughter in his hands.

‘Lily sounds good to me,’ he said finally, his voice decidedly rough around the edges. ‘Lily Zattoni.’



Tia stared anxiously at her daughter. ‘Is she OK? She seems tiny—’